Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Five Minds for the Future - 1468 Words
Five Minds for the Future - Howard Gardner Book Review Submitted to: Mr. Imran Saqib Submitted by: Zulfiqar Ali Date: 19/12/12 Table of Contents About the Author: 2 Summary 2 Applying the Book to Human Resource Management 6 Conclusion 6 About the Author: Howard Gardner is a renowned American Psychologist and writer who currently holds a position as an adjunct professor at Harvard University. Among numerous honors, Gardner had received a MacArthur Prize Fellowship and honorary degrees from twenty-nine colleges and universities, including institutions in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, South Korea and Spain. In 2005 and 2008, he was selected by Foreign Policy and Prospect magazines as one of the 100 most influential public†¦show more content†¦The knowledge should not limit to the boundaries of formal education and one should dive into the depths in order to understand the core concepts. Gardner believes that a scholarly mind channelizes human thoughts and gives it a direction. If a mind is not schooled properly, it is likely to get carried away by unnecessary beliefs. Facts and statistics are not just bits and pieces of information. They have a lot to comprehend and therefore, a mind ready for the future should be well trained in essential disciplines. Next, Gardner informs us about the Synthesizing mind and its course of action. He highlights that a synthesizing mind is capable to extract the relevant information from the floods of information directed towards us, screens it and uses it in complement to the activities that demand its employment. Linking together ideas and concepts have largely become a key to understanding the complexities. If one has the ability to weave together strands of information and develop a strategy that is on the go, he is highly likely to excel in the future. Another mind characteristic that Gardner throws light over is the Creating mind and its relevance to the future. A creating mind always comes up with questions that help you enter new genres and explore the existing ones. Gardner signifies that the major reason why humans still have control is because of the spark of innovation in them which computers cannotShow MoreRelatedFive Minds for the Future1482 Words  | 6 PagesFive Minds for the Future - Howard Gardner Book Review Submitted to: Mr. Imran Saqib Submitted by: Zulfiqar Ali Date: 19/12/12 Table of Contents About the Author: 2 Summary 2 Applying the Book to Human Resource Management 6 Conclusion 6 About the Author: Howard Gardner is a renowned American Psychologist and writer who currently holds a position as an adjunct professor at Harvard University. 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I will evaluate a current development program that I might create or in which I participate, relative to its ability to build deep self-awareness and growth, cultural intelligence, and Gardner s five minds in prospective leaders. Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. – Dwight D. Eisenhower According Brian O Nail, the author of Test Your Leadership Skills, leadership is influencing
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Critically Discuss Three Sociological Approaches to...
Critically discuss three sociological approaches to explaining crime? One of the most predominant areas of study in sociology is in the explanation of crime and deviance in society. Criminal acts are those which violate established formal laws, whereas deviance refers to the breaking of social norms. Crime and deviance are a social construct as they are decided by the people in a society and can vary greatly depending on the society in question, as well as the time period being studied. In the past research focussed on pursuing biological explanations for people committing criminal or deviant acts. The prevalence of convicted male criminals and the discovery of the XYY chromosome pattern in male prison inmates lead some scientists to†¦show more content†¦Durkheim also proposed that social views to activities considered deviant could change and that those activities could eventually become part of the socially accepted norm, changing society. For example, attitudes towards homosexuality have changed significantly in the last 50 years, with decriminalisation leading to tolerance and eventual acceptance by general society. This social change occurs when a segment of society begins to support acts considered deviant, causing society as a whole to reconsider its collective position and advance its cultural boundaries, conceivably for the benefit of all. Strain theory, proposed by Robert Merton and advanced by Albert Cohen, Richard Cloward, Lloyd Ohlin and Robert Agnew, argues that it is the structure of society that causes crime due to the pressure put on society’s members to achieve common social goals. For example, the capitalist ‘American Dream’ of financial success has lead some, who are unable to achieve this goal through conventional means (often the poor and powerless), to turn to crime as a way of gaining financial prosperity. This can lead to the formation of criminal subcultures where different values become important such as fearlessness and resentment towards authority. This allows those who are unable to achieve success conventionally to gain statusShow MoreRelatedTraditional African Family19679 Words  | 79 Pagessubsequent edition has been unrivalled for accuracy and detail. These lesson plans aim to provide guidance on using the sixth edition of Sociology Themes and Perspectives in a teaching context by offering practical classroom support for teachers. Three lesson plans are provided for each chapter. One of these is a glossary exercise that will help students come to terms with the conceptual base of the subject and allow them to build a running dictionary of sociology. The other two lessons focus onRead MoreCompare and Contrast Functionalism and Structuralism14315 Words  | 58 PagesChapter 1 What is social psychology? LEARNING OUTCOMES When you have ï ¬ nished studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1 Outline the main differences between experimental and critical approaches to social psychology. 2 Describe the three main ‘metaphysical battles’ between them. 3 Trace the origins of social psychology through the work of William McDougall and William James, and the contributions made by Và ¶lkerpsychologie and crowd psychology. 4 Describe the two contrastingRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pageschapters as a starting point for getting to grips with the field of organization theory. Dr Martin Brigham, Lancaster University, UK McAuley et al. provide a highly readable account of ideas, perspectives and practices of organization. By thoroughly explaining, analyzing and exploring organization theory the book increases the understanding of a field that in recent years has become ever more fragmented. Organization theory is central to managing, organizing and reflecting on both formal and informalRead MoreMethods of Qualitative of Data Collection19658 Words  | 79 Pagestalk-show interview, we might speak of its width instead of its depth (Wengraf, 2001). Interviewing varies in terms of a priori structure and in the latitude the interviewee has in responding to questions. Patton (2002, pp. 341–347) puts interviews into three general categories: the informal, conversational interview; the general interview guide approach; and the standardized, open-ended interview. Qualitative, in-depth interviews typically are much more like conversations than formal events with predeterminedRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesAnalytical Problem Solving 174 Defining the Problem 174 Generating Alternatives 176 Evaluating Alternatives 176 Implementing the Solution 177 Limitations of the Analytical Problem-Solving Model 178 Impediments to Creative Problem Solving 178 Multiple Approaches to Creativity 179 Conceptual Blocks 183 Percy Spencer’s Magnetron 185 Spence Silver’s Glue 185 The Four Types of Conceptual Blocks 185 Review of Conceptual Blocks 194 Conceptual Blockbusting 194 Stages in Creative Thought 194 Methods for ImprovingRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesthat accounting practices face in determining true performance costs and that forecasting programs confront in establishing the economic determinants of corporate planning? 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Departing from a tendency among historians to specialize in one or the other of what have been viewed as very different wars, Morrow not only compares the two conflicts in detail, but also approaches each war and its linkages from a thoroughly global perspective. This combination of rigorous comparison and breadth allows him to repeatedly challenge longestablished myths, provide alternatives to narrowly conceived interpretations, and offer
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Mission Statement Internet Research Free Essays
The mission statement is a brief description of the company and its purpose. The mission statement is basically a brief profile of the company which should essentially show a distinct picture of the organization in limited sentences. The scope of the statement is not limited; instead the statement attempts to cover the vision for the whole organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Mission Statement Internet Research or any similar topic only for you Order Now The statement should answer the questions as to what the company is about, what it does, who are its customers, how it operates and why does it operate in a particular manner. The length of this statement is usually from one to five sentences and energy words are usually used transmit the message. Companies do use this statement as an advertisement slogan to build relationships with the shareholders and customers; however a more common use of this statement has been to set specific strategic goals for the senior staff and employees of the company. Aside from this the mission statement is also used to resolve any differences between the business stakeholders who are essentially the shareholders, the employees, and the customers. The first mission statement to be chosen for the purpose of this research was for an accountancy firm by the name of Brinks, Hofer, Gilson and Lione. The firm provides various financial services to the customers. The mission statement for the HR department of this company was â€Å"Our mission is to treat each person as a valued customer while contributing positively to the overall objectives of Brinks Hofer Gilson and Lione. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of quality services, and support in employment, training, employee relations, benefits, Compensation and safety beyond the expectations of all employees, enabling them to better serve our external customers. We do this with a commitment of attaining the highest level of personal integrity. We seek to recruit the most qualified people while recognizing and encouraging the value of diversity in the work place. We establish, administer and communicate sound policies, rules and practices that treat employees with dignity and equality while maintaining firm compliance with Local, State and Federal employment and labor laws.†(‘Human Resource Statement’, 2007) The HR mission statement for the company does cover what services the HR department provides to the firm, how it benefits the management and how it their efforts resulting the ultimate contribution towards the company’s overall objective of providing the highest quality of service to its customers. The HR mission statement for the company however does not state how the efforts of the department help or benefit the external stakeholders, i.e., the shareholders and investors of the company. This HR statement is employee and customer oriented and does contribute towards the goals of the company itself but does not specifically depict any benefits for the stakeholders. The second mission statement chosen for this paper is that of Wharton County Junior College. The HR department of the college states that â€Å"The Human Resources Department will serve as a strategic partner along side of WCJC’s administration, faculty, and staff in supporting the mission of Wharton County Junior College. The Human Resources Department will take a leadership role in providing services that support the College by promoting the concept that our employees are our most valuable resource and will be treated as such. The Human Resources Department will act as catalysts enabling all employees to contribute at optimum levels towards the success of the college.†(‘Human Resource Department’, Wharton County Junior College) The focus of the department emphasizes the optimal level of activity in the company to enable the productivity to increase to higher levels. The company also seeks to computerize its HR department to enable computerized monitoring and managing capability in the business. Aside from this statement also mentions that the department will follow the four key points of the company which are dignity, justice, service and excellence. The department seeks to provide the external the employees as well as the customers of the company with respect, fair treatment, quality and high standard of performance, however as with the mission statement for the accounting firm discussed earlier this statement also does not identify how the department looks forward to help the stakeholders and provides them with benefits. An indirect link between satisfied customers, and employees and increasing profits is there but no specific point is made in regard to the investors. The third mission statement which has been chosen for this paper is that of the HR department for The Santa Cruz City in the United States. The mission statement of the HR department for the city goes as follows: â€Å"The mission of the City of Santa Cruz Human Resources Department is to provide quality human resource services to the public and to all City departments. As we serve, we commit to: maintaining excellence, honesty, integrity and high standards in the quality of service which we provide; giving personalized, trustworthy service, courteous assistance, patience, and compassion for any client needing our assistance or service; taking responsibility as a department and as individuals for the work we do and for the image we present as representatives of the City; working as a team to develop partnerships by continuous open communication with our internal/external clients and our co-workers; promoting personal and professional growth as well as job satisfaction for all City staff, and fostering an environment in which employees’ creativity, productivity and risk taking are recognized, valued and encouraged; respecting and celebrating the diverse world in which we live and work and actively promoting diversity in our workforce; Never forgetting to see the human side of our work, maintaining our sense of humor and valuing each other.†(‘Mission Statement’, Santa Cruz Human Resources Department) The mission statement for the Santa Cruz city covers the aspects of what the HR department for the city does for the City government. The main activities undertaken by the department are highlighted and the value provided to the employees and the customers is specifically stated in the statement. Special attention has been paid top the work environment and how the improvements made and sustained in it help in contributing value and significance for the employees. However like the above depicted mission statements, this statement also does not cover as to how it provides benefits to the stakeholders of the company. Conclusively it can be seen that the mission statement for HR departments is usually much longer and detailed than the mission statement of the company. Similarly, according to all the mission statements that have been explored for the purpose of this project, almost all of the mission statements do not provide information related to any advantages and steps taken for increasing the value for the shareholders. References â€Å"Human Resource Statement†, Brinks, Hofer, Gilson Lione, (2007), accessed 25/07/2007, http://www.brinksgilson.com/ How to cite Mission Statement Internet Research, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Resume writing of Profs Essay Example For Students
Resume writing of Profs Essay Custom essay writing service ProfEssays offers a new service of resume writing. At the same time this custom essay writing company intends to raise awareness of resume writing among job seekers. Our recommendations are the following:Your Resume Should Be:A concise and factual presentation of your credentialsFocused on your education, accomplishments, strengths, employment history and goalsAn invaluable marketing toolYour introduction to a potential employerBrief, easy to read, and grammatically well-constructedChronological resumes document work experience and education in chronological order, with the most recent dates first. Major categories are: Work Experience, Education, Professional Affiliations, and Awards. This format is generally used by candidates applying for jobs in traditional organizations or for those who are staying in the same field. This type of resume is best used when your job history reflects growth, when prior employment has been with a prestigious employer, and you want to emphasize that work experience, or when a prior job title may be considered impressive to the reader. This format may not be the most appropriate to use when your job history is irregular, you are changing careers, you have changed employment frequently, or you have little employment history. Functional resumes intend to highlight your specific skills and accomplishments which have been demonstrated through specific work related achievements. Note that your skills do not necessarily have to be presented in the order in which they were accomplished; list them by order of importance as they relate to the job for which you are applying. Major categories are:Technical Abilities (skills), Work History, Education, and Professional Affiliations. This format is best used when you want to change careers, when you are returning to the job market after a long absence, when your career growth has not been good, or when you believe extended work experience is not needed or desired f or the job for which you are making application. The functional resume should be avoided in traditional fields such as teaching or government or when continuous growth is important to demonstrate . Combination Chronological/Functional resume is being used increasingly by candidates to highlight special accomplishments while giving employment history in chronological order. The combination resume also seems to be popular with employment offices. Major categories are:Professional Objectives, Education, Honors, Work Experience, and Summary. Targeted resume focuses on a specific position that you are seeking. Major categories are: Job Target, Capabilities, Achievements, Work Experience, and Education. This format should be used when your job goal is clear. Since this type of format is focused on one career field, it may not be useful to you if you are exploring multiple job options and do not have time to develop more than one resume. Curriculum Vitae format is used for academic positio ns. The brevity required in a resume for business type employment does not necessarily apply in academy It is important in a curriculum vitae to include all published works, presentations made at professional meetings, awards, professional achievements, and more detail about educational studies. The Cover Letter should amplify points that you may or may not have covered in your resume; it serves as your introduction to an organization. It should be brief and informative. Several things should be addressed:Explain why you are writing to the organization. Whenever possible, the letter should be addressed to a specific person. with the full name and title. Make sure the name of the person addressed is spelled correctly. This person could be the Chief Operating Officer, the Human Resources Director, or one of the line managers. If responding to an advertisement, give the date of the ad, the publication in which the ad was run, and the title of the position for which you are enclosing an application. Analyze your skills, acquired both on the job and in volunteer work, and make every effort to match your skills with those emphasized in the ad. .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .postImageUrl , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:hover , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:visited , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:active { border:0!important; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:active , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: World History: Change Gathers Steam: 1800-40 EssayIf sending an unsolicited resume, make every effort to explore the goals of the organization, its regular and continuing job needs, and the climate of the organization to permit you to match your accomplishments with the goals and objectives of the organization. In closing, express a desire to arrange a time for an interview and state that you will telephone to request a time for an appointment. However much a student learns in college, one more skill is usually ignored before he or she begins the serious task of looking for full-time employment. In order to ensure that all those years of schooling and other experiences will pay off in the job hunt, even before contacting employers, one must be able to write a catchy, impressive and well-structured resume. If you lack experience in resume writing, feel free to contact the writers of custom essay writing service Professays who will help you to compose a masterpiece of your resume. On the whole ProfEssays completes custom essays, custom academic papers, custom research papers, custom term papers, custom admission essays, compositions, book reports, case studies and this list is far from being full. To order custom essays or papers visit our site.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Homers Odyssey Essay Example
Homers Odyssey Paper Odysseus disguised as a slave has met Eumaeus after his return to Ithaca. Odysseus then meets his son Telemachus to whom he reveals himself. Odysseus then makes his way to town in his disguise, he then continues to his palace. Odysseus is continually mocked and insulted by the suitors upon his arrival. A pig farmer who is friendly with the suitors also insults and threatens Odysseus, the pig farmer and Odysseus is goaded into a fight by the suitors. Odysseus beats the pig farmer with ease and leaves him outside the palace gate. Odysseus is congratulated by the â€Å"good†suitor Amphinomus and offered food and wine as his spoils. Odysseus offers Amphinomus council and warms him of an impending doom, Amphinomus is troubled by this however his fate is already sealed How effectively does Homer convey tension in this passage. Homer uses a series of techniques to build suspense and drama in his scenes. Homer uses emotive words, literary techniques, divine intervention and a slow build up in his passages this combination of methods creates drama and suspense. First of all, consider the individual words and the sentences Homer uses, he says that â€Å"Amphinomus went back through the halls with a heavy heart, shaking his head; for he was filled with a sense of foreboding and disaster†this passage creates a great deal of tension, it gives a clear image in the reader mind of just how Amphinomus is feeling whilst also creating a brooding sense of some significant series of events that are read to occur .The word â€Å"foreboding†is particularly effective in enhancing a feeling of impending darkness. Homers use of individual word also adds tension and mystery to the passage, he places words such as â€Å"detest†and â€Å"evil†into a normally restrained and considered Penelope, by placing such emotive word into Penelopes language the tension is increased as the reader is not used to Penelope using such visceral language . Penelopes change of language may signify a change of actions, further more Penelope also say s â€Å"my heart moves my like never before†this adds to the possibility of recklessness to Penelope that was not previously expected. We will write a custom essay sample on Homers Odyssey specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Homers Odyssey specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Homers Odyssey specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Homers use of dramatic irony is used to good effect, Homer tells us of Amphinomus fate informing us of Athenes plans for his death â€Å"for Athene had already marked him out to fall to a spear from Telemachuss hand â€Å" yet the reader is unsure of how it will come to happen, this ensures that the reader knows what is going to happen yet not being sure of when or how. Divine intervention is used on the passage with Athene playing a fairly important role. The use of a divinity offers both additional tension and uncertainty. As eluded to above Athene is in control of the events, she has planned Amphinomuss death whilst it is also she who provokes Penelope to make the decision to confront the suitors. By putting the events in the hands of a goddess, the chances of something mysterious or unpredicted increase, therefore the reader is not entirely sure what to expect from the characters or the events to follow. Finally the slow build up Homer uses in the passage gives an increased air of tension, this passage feels like it is building up to something, as mentioned earlier we know Amphinomus will dies, we know Penelope wishes to discuss something with the suitors; however we know the detail of neither of these things which no doubt increases the tension within the passage. It clear that Homer is in control of the entire narrative, this passage shows exactly how to build suspense with several techniques whilst maintaining total control of the text. The different techniques used by Homer ensure that the reader is kept guessing thus creating drama. How well does Athene intervene in this passage? Is this typical of Athene? Athene features in the Odyssey from the beginning, her methods change throughout the poem yet her influence is fairly constant. She ensure that he plans are carried out, either directly or in directly in this passage her influence is strong; she is clearly orchestrating events to come, this is typical of the majority of her action in the entire text. In this passage Athene plays two significant roles. Firstly the reader learns that the she has planned the death of the suitor Amphinomus â€Å"for Athene had already marked him out to fall to a spear from Telemachuss hand â€Å"this gives in gives us an insight into Athenes thinking, we are able to see that she clearly has decided what is going to happen without the input of mortals, Athene acts as the orchestrator when considering her plans. Secondly we see how she controls Penelope , Penelope says â€Å"my heart moves my like never before†this is an typical move by Athene, she indiscreetly places feels and thoughts into the mind of mortals to lead them to carry out tasks or undertakings she deems important, this is a very typical move by Athene. Throughout the Odysseys Athenes interactions with mortal is not very direct, she appears in dreams, thoughts or in the guise of a mortal (Odysseus and Telemachus interaction with her sometimes proving an exception). Telemachuss first meeting with Athene she is in the guise of a foreign prince whilst she appears to Nausciaa in a dream and she takes the semblance of a young girl when helping Odysseus find the palace of Aknioos and Arete. This sort of interaction is typical , she is helping her hero’s to their goal without being too brash or obvious. One significant exception is Athenes conversation with Odysseus after his arrival on Ithaca – the two speak to each other almost as equals showing each mutual respect and friendship The reasoning behind Athenes actions may be two fold, firstly a story where a god/dess who simply gives the protagonist what they desire isnt particularly exciting. Secondly Athenes actions may be due to the relationship the gods have with mortals and each other. Odysseus is hated by Poseidon , Athenes uncle – if she were to openly assist Odysseus she runs the risk of enraging her uncle further. Instead Athene uses her cunning and intelligence to help Odysseus instead, she requests Zeuss help in assisting Odysseus whilst Poseidon is away in Ethiopia. This is typical of Athene throughout the Odyssey she acts discreetly and in-directly to ensure she gets the results she wants using her renowned intelligence and craft.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Ruether Vs. Gager
Ruether vs. Gager: Romans 11:26 â€Å"Jesus, yes; but Paul never†. It is very clear that this statement sums up some individual’s viewpoint of the Apostle known as Paul. Everyone has their own interpretation and everyone has formed their own opinion. It is ironic that the most famous character in the New Testament outside of Jesus gets misunderstood more than anyone other person of his time. If its any consolation, Jesus also got misunderstood, this puts Jesus and Paul in a league of their own. Possibly, people just didn’t want to hear what he said so they form negative connotations against him so they are exempt from his teachings. There are a number of different scenarios you can create to figure out the enigma that is Paul the Apostle. I will concentrate on one simple verse in the Bible. The verse is Romans 11:26. â€Å"And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: â€Å"The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob†(Rom. 11:26) The first section of Romans 11:26 has been interpreted and dissected from many people. It seems to have many meanings in the form that Paul wrote it. Two particular people have written literary works about Paul and in both this verse is mentioned. Both authors have different interpretations of the verse and see Paul in a different light because of it. I will start with Rosemary Ruether who believes that Paul is Anti-Jewish. In her commentary about Paul, she clearly states that Judaism is the opposite of Faith in Christ. If you are a Jew, you are not a Christian and if a Christian, not a Jew. She makes the argument that there is nothing special about Jewish people, for Jewish and Gentile are both sinners and have fallen short of the Glory. In regards to Romans 11:26, Ruether believes in the salvation of the Jews, but she believes it is at an appointed time. If you look a verse before, Paul mentions the Jewish people as living with a mystery. He mentions a... Free Essays on Ruether Vs. Gager Free Essays on Ruether Vs. Gager Ruether vs. Gager: Romans 11:26 â€Å"Jesus, yes; but Paul never†. It is very clear that this statement sums up some individual’s viewpoint of the Apostle known as Paul. Everyone has their own interpretation and everyone has formed their own opinion. It is ironic that the most famous character in the New Testament outside of Jesus gets misunderstood more than anyone other person of his time. If its any consolation, Jesus also got misunderstood, this puts Jesus and Paul in a league of their own. Possibly, people just didn’t want to hear what he said so they form negative connotations against him so they are exempt from his teachings. There are a number of different scenarios you can create to figure out the enigma that is Paul the Apostle. I will concentrate on one simple verse in the Bible. The verse is Romans 11:26. â€Å"And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: â€Å"The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob†(Rom. 11:26) The first section of Romans 11:26 has been interpreted and dissected from many people. It seems to have many meanings in the form that Paul wrote it. Two particular people have written literary works about Paul and in both this verse is mentioned. Both authors have different interpretations of the verse and see Paul in a different light because of it. I will start with Rosemary Ruether who believes that Paul is Anti-Jewish. In her commentary about Paul, she clearly states that Judaism is the opposite of Faith in Christ. If you are a Jew, you are not a Christian and if a Christian, not a Jew. She makes the argument that there is nothing special about Jewish people, for Jewish and Gentile are both sinners and have fallen short of the Glory. In regards to Romans 11:26, Ruether believes in the salvation of the Jews, but she believes it is at an appointed time. If you look a verse before, Paul mentions the Jewish people as living with a mystery. He mentions a...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Coring preparation, preservation, and handling Research Paper
Coring preparation, preservation, and handling - Research Paper Example When seeking to form a description of a core, it is essential that one place the lay out of the core on a table. This will be essential in checking the amount of the core and compare it to the coring report so as to ensure no core material was lost during the transportation process (Fjar, Holt, Raaen, Risnes, and Horsrud 125). In case of any alterations or damage, it is important to note such details. The numbering placed on the containers should be noted against the cumulative depth reported. This then creates a better understanding of the core, and offers a chance to check on the orientation and continuity with respect to the top of the core. If the records show the downhole gamma-ray logs, then it would be advisable to verify the same by comparing the to the core gamma-ray logs. This verifies the consistency of the cored interval depths with the log depths. The core features such as composition, texture, color, and porosity types should also be noted. After getting this information, the cutting of stabilized or unstabilized cores will depend on the plug sample methods or the plunge cut technique. This will prepare it for preservation (Fjar, Holt, Raaen, Risnes, and Horsrud 127). The purpose of preservation is to maintain the chemical and physical properties inherent in the cores as close as possible to the reservoir data. The impact noted should be in relation to the intended utility of the core afterwards. The failure to create an impermeable barrier around the sample could lead to wettability alterations, loss of interstitial water, precipitation of the salts, and damage to the mineral fabric (Morton-Thompson and Woods 105). The methods of preservation differ depending on the intended achievements. Six methods have been developed which include sealing the core in airtight metal-cans, dry ice freezing, plastic bag seals, using plastic, steel, or aluminum tubes to seal, wrapping in plastic tape or metal foil, as well as using plastic coatings. Notably,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Biography Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Biography Assignment - Essay Example d as a Prime Minister for two different periods including the 11 year period starting from 1966 and ending in 1977 and then she held the office of Prime Minister for a 4 year period ranging from 1980 to 1984. She was still holding the office when she was removed from the face of the earth through murder and she successfully became the only female Prime Minister in the history of India. This writing will focus on the leadership autobiography of Indira Gandhi and will reflect upon why she is one of the major examples of a successful leader. The way a leader leads is referred to his/her personal philosophy of leadership. Different leaders follow a different philosophy of leadership. Leaders follow the dictatorial, participative, delegative philosophies of leadership. Indira Gandhi and her actions reveal that she followed an autocratic form of leadership philosophy. A leader who follows this philosophy tends to communicate clear expectations that he/she may have from her followers. They do not only inform the followers about what needs to be done, they even tell them how operations are to be carried out. These leaders try to alienate themselves from the followers and create clear distinction between the two in the eyes of others. They themselves make the decisions and do not allow the followers to participate and expect the followers to follow those decisions obediently. One of the reasons due to which it is believed that Indira Gandhi was an autocratic leader is that she was held responsible for conducting acts of corru ption and even after she was found to be guilty, she did not give up her position and instead instated emergency after 19752. This shows that Indira Gandhi thought of herself as someone who is above all and has a higher status as compared to others. She did not only declare emergency. She even disallowed the press to report freely and she even went a step further by detaining members of opposition’s political parties. This shows that Indira Gandhi
Monday, November 18, 2019
Ancient Greek Ceramics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ancient Greek Ceramics - Essay Example The decorations in the so-called marine style, has the dynamic vitality typical of Minoan art. The popularity of the octopus as a decorative motif on Minoan ware can hardly be divorced from the role of the octopus in the Minoan diet and economy. But did it have another purpose Octopus are traditionally caught by lowering a ceramic vessel into the water which the octopus is likely to enter and remain in as a safe lair (Bush and Brewer). Although this jar has too narrow a neck for that purpose, one wonders if the motif did not originate on jars made for just such fishing, the image perhaps as a sort of magic charm. In the Mycenaean period between about 1450 and 1100 BC, the Minoan world came to be dominated by Greek speaking invaders who, however, did not make major changes in the society of Greece as reflected in its physical remains. The pottery of mainland Greece in this period is generally called by archaeologists late Helladic III. Many Mycenaean ceramic pieces imitate the style of Minoan pottery, though usually with an inferior and derivative execution. Others, such as the chariot krater (vessel for mixing wine and water) now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (), have much more in common with later geometric vases and show the beginning of that tradition. This piece, though manufactured in the Argolid (i.e. near Tiryns, Mycenae, Argos, or Corinth) was discovered in a tomb in Cyrus. It uses a light color of clay marked with a dark brown slip. The rendering in relatively crude but shows a definite figurative scene of two chariots being driven (the context, such as a race, or in combat, or just a pairing for symmetry, cannot be determined). But elements like spots used to decorate the figures' clothing, as well as the ox skin that covers the body of the chariot, and the crosshatching on the horses' harness, is becoming abstract. Moreover, a great deal of the otherwise empty surface of the case is taken up with geometric designs completely unrelated to the realistic depiction of space and beginning to serve as abstract geometric representation. In the Geometric period between about 1100 and 800 BC, Greek culture was disrupted by further waves of invaders and every urban center in Greece was destroyed by warfare. Greek culture became illiterate and isolated both from the larger Mediterranean world and within itself as trade and contact between isolated settlements declined. The period is called Geometric because of the abstract, regular character of its decorative arts. No exception among thework of this era is the terracotta centaur from Lekfandi on Euboea (Thomas 1999, 99-100). It shares the geometric decorations of contemporary ceramic vessels. At 36 centimeters high, this is the largest surviving Geometric sculpture. From the point of view of sculpture, the execution is somewhat cartoonish, which features that suggest rather than copy the proportions of the human face and equine body. The painted decoration departs from that of both earlier and later Greek polychroming of sculpture as well as pottery decoration in not r elating in any discernable way to features like the musculature or hair of the centaur (certainly not any form of clothing), but in showing abstract patterning that is meant to add to the decorative value of the piece rather than realistically
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Write A Perfect Introduction Paragraph
Write A Perfect Introduction Paragraph It was one minutes before the eighth period bell rang for classes to start. I rushed into my sophmore english class, out of beath, to see my english teacher standing by the door. As we all scrambled in, proceeding to our seats, we were handed a piece of paper which looked to be an assignment. I quickly snatched an assignment and hurried to my seat. Little to my knowledge, this specific assignment that our teacher had planned for us, would change my view on english writing. I was not aware that in the next few weeks, I would be approaching one of the most difficult assignments and experiences in my educational life. Subsequently, our teacher quickly clarified that the assignment that we had to do was to simply write an introduction paragraph. Not only did we need to just write a well-written paragraph, but it had to be perfect. We had a few weeks to write a perfect introdcution paragraph on a choice of a topic, and we had to turn our paragraph into the teacher. If she saw a mistake (w hether it be grammatically or structurely), she would solemnly hand it back without notifying us on what our mistake was. We could turn our paragraphs in as many times as needed, before the deadline. If we were able to write a perfect introduction paragraph with no mistakes, we would earn a full 30 points. If we were not able to write the paragraph within the deadline, we would simply recieve a 0. After understanding the details of the assignment, the pressure began for me. I immediatley went home and wrote a first draft of my paragraph. I wanted to create a basic structure with my bridge and thesis. Arrogantly, I thought I had a perfect paragraph on the first try. The next day, I turned my paragraph into my teacher with a huge grin on my face. I just knew that I would get the 30 points on the first day. To my disappointment, she quietly returned my paragraph within a minute of reading it. My hopes were down, but I was not going to give up. Within the next week and a half, I must ha ve turned in my edited paragraph at least 5 times. I had my friends, family and even the TLC proof-read my paragraph. I wanted to succeed in this assignment, no matter how frustrated it made me feel. A few days before the deadline, I had confindently turned in my paragraph. Waiting patiently while my teacher read it, I was very hopeful that this would be the time when she would finally accept it. The moment I saw my paragraph put in the pile of accepted paragraphs, joy overcame me. Looking back on this experience, I still remember this because it gave me a different look on writing. I had to edit my paper numerous times, I had to recieve help from others and I had to pay attention closley to my writing. Even though I was not happy that I had to make this paragraph a perfect one, it felt great once I suceeded. This assignment has impacted me today as a writer because I now know that there is always room for improvement in any writing that I do. Its just the time and effort that I nee d to continuously put in each piece that I write. That assignment has showed me to never give up on writing, no matter how much stress it can cause me. Hard work, effort and ambition goes a long way in writing! As a human being in general, I am very ambitious and I never give up. These qualities shine through me as a student, as well. When it comes to school and my education, I am usually not too enthusiastic about all the work that i must do. Knowing that all the work and effort that i must put into school is going to help my future, I take school very seriously. As a student, I care so much about my grades and my goals for the future. When it comes to teachers and being in a classroom, I am quite specific. I long for a teacher who has the students best interest at heart and a teacher who is willing to go out of their way to help students succeed. I generally do not like when a teacher has one specific way of teaching, such as having students just write notes. Its preffered that there are various ways of teaching and having students interact differently. The type of learning that helps me the most and that is most beneficial is visual learning. If I am taught something, I want to be able t o see it. Thorough explanations and claficiations behind material also help me understand more deeply. In general, a teacher who simply cares about a students success is the type of teacher who i stride to have. Every year, I say to myself I am going to work extra hard and get straight As this year. Being a bit unrealistic in the beginning, my year ends up not turning out how i say. Obviously, most students would love to get straight As but that does not always happen. This year, I am going to make a difference and make realistic goals for myself. I am definatley striding for good grades this year, but saying I am going to get straight As may not be the most realistic goal. The difference with this year and other years is that this is the year that I must take the most serious. I am going to get quite involved with college information, tests for college (ACT/SAT) and planning my future. Having high goals for my future, I want to meet them. The way to meet my goals for my future is to work extra hard and continue to be ambitious. An enormous change I need to make this year has to deal with procrastination. In previous years, I seemed to procrastinate quite a lot. For the upcoming and subseque nt years, I want to cut out the procrastination quality completley. I know that not procrastination will only benefit me. This year, I have lots of ambition and I want to simply stride to do well. In addition to my general future goals with college and my future career, I have many goals for this specific year in English class. The main expectation and goal that I am aiming for is to improve with my writing. There is always room for improvement and if I learn even more about writing and improve, I am confident that this will carry me far in the future. Another expectation is that I improve with my reading. Honestly, I am not enthusastic about reading and like other students, I sometimes stuggle in this area. I want to enjoy all the reading done in this class and learn ways to improve my reading skills. This may include tips for annotations or any way to help me become a better reader and understand material easier. English is on my top list of favorite classes and I am excited to learn more and to improve!
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the :: English Literature
Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the fallen and the send off. 'For the fallen' and 'The Send-off' are poems written demonstrating attitudes towards war. Whilst banyan conveys an idealised, romantic picture of war that depicts the soldiers as heroic and courageous, Owens attitudes towards war are more pessimistic in nature. Owen uses appearance versus reality to show the corruption and misery of war. Binyan and Owen convey their attitudes through the language, structure and poetic devices they employ The attitudes to war in 'for the fallen' are patriotic and romanticised. The opening lines, 'with proud thanksgiving,' suggest grandeur, prestige and honour. Binyan conveys the ideas that fighting for your country, and serving in the war is honourable. To emphasise the honour of fighting in the war banyan employs a metaphorical representation of England as the capital mother. 'a mother for her children,' through personifying England as a mother it is almost like England has nurtured and shaped her children which are symbolic of the soldier which depicts the view that it was the soldiers duty to fight for their country. The repetition of the words 'for her,' evokes guilt in the readers as banyan illustrates the attitude at the time being that England has done so much for the soldiers that it was expected of them to give back to their country. Contrasting to the patriotic and idealised image of war and serving your country the representation that Owen conveys of war, is eerie and daunting,' the darkening lanes.' The imagery of the 'darkening lane' could reflect the lives of the solders sent to war, it suggests that their death were almost inevitable and they were bound to death before they wee even sent off. The use of the word darkening eliminates any hope the readers may have and illustrates Owens attitude that they're no hope in fighting and without hope there was no purpose or point in fighting. Owen also expresses certain vulnerability in the soldiers as they are sent into a world which they know nothing about. Similarly Binyan demonstrates the same naivety and innocence of the soldiers that served in the war. 'They went with songs to the battle,' suggests that the soldiers were unprepared and unaware of the harsh realities of war, which is reflected in the behaviour. Binyan demonstrates that the soldiers entered the battle field with aspirations, the fact that they were ready to fight for their country 'against the odds uncounted,' and went almost willingly 'with songs,' demonstrates honour. Binyan follows this with, 'they were young,' which emphasises their naivety and innocence; the soldiers were vulnerable but remained 'true of eye, steady and aflow,' which Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the :: English Literature Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the fallen and the send off. 'For the fallen' and 'The Send-off' are poems written demonstrating attitudes towards war. Whilst banyan conveys an idealised, romantic picture of war that depicts the soldiers as heroic and courageous, Owens attitudes towards war are more pessimistic in nature. Owen uses appearance versus reality to show the corruption and misery of war. Binyan and Owen convey their attitudes through the language, structure and poetic devices they employ The attitudes to war in 'for the fallen' are patriotic and romanticised. The opening lines, 'with proud thanksgiving,' suggest grandeur, prestige and honour. Binyan conveys the ideas that fighting for your country, and serving in the war is honourable. To emphasise the honour of fighting in the war banyan employs a metaphorical representation of England as the capital mother. 'a mother for her children,' through personifying England as a mother it is almost like England has nurtured and shaped her children which are symbolic of the soldier which depicts the view that it was the soldiers duty to fight for their country. The repetition of the words 'for her,' evokes guilt in the readers as banyan illustrates the attitude at the time being that England has done so much for the soldiers that it was expected of them to give back to their country. Contrasting to the patriotic and idealised image of war and serving your country the representation that Owen conveys of war, is eerie and daunting,' the darkening lanes.' The imagery of the 'darkening lane' could reflect the lives of the solders sent to war, it suggests that their death were almost inevitable and they were bound to death before they wee even sent off. The use of the word darkening eliminates any hope the readers may have and illustrates Owens attitude that they're no hope in fighting and without hope there was no purpose or point in fighting. Owen also expresses certain vulnerability in the soldiers as they are sent into a world which they know nothing about. Similarly Binyan demonstrates the same naivety and innocence of the soldiers that served in the war. 'They went with songs to the battle,' suggests that the soldiers were unprepared and unaware of the harsh realities of war, which is reflected in the behaviour. Binyan demonstrates that the soldiers entered the battle field with aspirations, the fact that they were ready to fight for their country 'against the odds uncounted,' and went almost willingly 'with songs,' demonstrates honour. Binyan follows this with, 'they were young,' which emphasises their naivety and innocence; the soldiers were vulnerable but remained 'true of eye, steady and aflow,' which
Monday, November 11, 2019
Gourevitch book review Essay
Renowned American author and journalist Philip Gourevitch, presents his 1998 ardent and authoritative non-fiction publication titled We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families, stories from Rwanda. New York: Paw Prints. The book chronicles the events in the Rwandan genocide and provides a riveting description of the author’s travel to Rwanda after the genocide and the horrors he encountered. He interviews a number of those who survived the ordeals and gathers the information which he uses to reconstruct their horrifying stories and thus provides a reflection of the genocide. Gourevitch has earned a number of prestigious awards as an appreciation of his highly credible and analytical book. The 1998 National Book Critics Award leads the number of numerous awards that he has managed to scoop. The 1994 Rwandan genocide brought this tiny country in East Africa into the limelight. Gourevitch made follow ups to the 1994 genocide and he gained interest in unearthing the information since he was not getting satisfied by following the happenings from afar. This prompted him to make a number of trips in a period of two years to both Rwanda and its neighbors. It was during his visits to report about the aftermath of the genocide that he published his book. Most of the information that America and most of the western countries have on the genocide is mainly accredited to Gourevitch’s work. The author starts the book by describing Decimation which he describes as â€Å"the killing of every tenth person in a population†. Gourevitch goes further to describe how in the summer of 1994 a series of â€Å"massacres decimated the Republic of Rwanda†(Gourevitch, 1998 p. 1). The author argues that even though the massacre was carried out with machetes, the rate at which it was carried out was staggering. To highlight the seriousness of these killings the author compares them with the Holocaust in which he points out that the massacre was nearly three times deadlier than the Holocaust. He narrates how the government had adopted a new policy in which the Hutu majority was to kill all the Tutsi’s minority with the reasoning being that this would make the world a better place. What followed were cold blooded murders of the Tutsi minority with use of machetes (Gourevitch, 1998). Gourevitch adopts a rather judgmental and snarky tone that is geared towards those who made decisions that in one way or another led to the genocide. He also tackles the root problems that sparked the mass killings in this small country. The author in his logical thinking about the root cause of the genocide argues that the colonial history of Rwanda was a major contributor to the genocide. Gourevitch argues that the tribal rivalry between the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minority can be traced back to the Belgium regime which colonized Rwanda. The author points out that â€Å"Belgium itself was a nation divided along ethnic lines, in which the Francophone Walloon minority,†ruled the country (Gourevitch, 1998 p. 58). The regime while in Rwanda fostered the minority Tutsi elites and portrayed the Hutu’s as a downtrodden ethnic race just useful as the workforce. This would obviously leave a bad taste to the majority Hutu group towards the minority Tutsi group. The extent for this hate was clearly highlighted at the rate with which the killings took place which the author says were the â€Å"most efficient mass killing since Hiroshima and Nagasaki†(Gourevitch, 1998, p. 1). Gourevitch presents this book in such a way that it is highly critical of the lack of intervention from Western governments and the United Nations forces, who he claims just stood by and watched as the killings took place. The Belgians and the French are blamed for their complicity and also the author portrays these countries as some that aided in reinforcing their own senses of impunity. One of the most disturbing truths in the book that the author reveals is that those who had died knew they were going to die. The author tells of how â€Å"it was announced on radio, it was in the newspapers, people spoke of it openly†(p. 18). This use of the media to propagate the killings is also to be blamed since it acted as a focal point in the genocide. Theda Skocpol a renowned sociologist and political scientist, tries to offer some light as to why violence may tend to occur in a political system. She mainly takes her ideas from the Marxist class conflict in which she mainly argues from the rural agrarian and state conflicts. The author of STATES AND SOCIAL REVOLUTIONS: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China aims to offer some explanations by employing both the â€Å"Marxist scholarship and recent social science theories about revolution†(Skocpol, 2007 p. 35). In her book she argues that France, Russia and China are all successful revolutions and even though they are quite a number of differences there seems to be a pattern that is distinctive of the three revolutions. Skocpol argues that a change in a social system will quite often lead to grievances and thus the emergence of group interests with the effective potential of collective mobilization. This as she points out will lead to the emergence of mass based movements that may have the purpose of overthrowing an entire social order. She argues that this revolutionary movement will fight and in case it wins it will establish its own authority (Skocpol, 2007 p. 14-15). This can be paralleled to what happened in Rwanda where the Hutu had grievances against the minority Tutsi and thus embarked on actions that were geared towards changing an entire social order with the belief that by exterminating the Tutsi people they could make the world better place†(Gourevitch, 1998 p. 6). The author in this book tries hard to prove that it was a genocide and he even asserts his position on the severity of this matter by reminiscing of how he read that â€Å"the United States had decided for the first time in its history to use the word genocide to describe what happened†(Gourevitch, 1998 p. 7). Gourevitch in this book only provides antecedents rather that clear cut answers and therefore the satisfaction of the book is not quenched. Gourevitch’s book is mainly geared towards criticizing the response of the international community in responding and averting the genocide and his anger cannot be hidden and this leads to him only presenting one side of the story instead of being neutral. The book is extremely critical of the west and the United Nation which the author uses sarcasm to depict how the Rwandans never thought the UN soldiers knew how to shoot in order to quell the killings but after a while they were showed their prowess in shooting dogs which were eating corpses in the streets. However, the atrocities that took place in Rwanda are still capable of happening anywhere else and considering the fact that they means used were not highly sophisticated just shows how if such a genocide would ever take place again in the world then the results would be highly catastrophic. The author does a good job in depicting the genocide and his highly analytical technique of even going back to how the two tribes in contention, interacted leaves us with room to understand clearly how the genocide came to be. References: Gourevitch, P (1998). We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families: stories from Rwanda. New York: Paw Prints Skocpol, T (2007). States and social revolutions: a comparative analysis of France, Russia and China. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007
Friday, November 8, 2019
Slideshow English
Slideshow English Slideshow English Slideshow English By Maeve Maddox Although I know they are a time-suck, slideshows with intriguing titles or photos often lure me in. The most recent to attract my attention was about â€Å"freaky coincidences.†Because the format was the kind that requires two clicks for each slide–one for the photo and one for the caption–I was ready to stop after the second slide, but the first sentence of the second caption prompted me to continue: A man saved the same baby’s life twice on accident. Always on the lookout for material, I felt I had found a possible source of nonstandard English, so I kept going. I was not disappointed. If the slideshow was created by a non-native English speaker for personal amusement, the numerous errors are understandable. If the captions are the work of a professional writer whose native language is English, they reflect a serious lack of revision. The show’s 14 slides yield 16 examples of nonstandard usage and punctuation. I won’t comment on punctuation. 1. A man saved the same baby’s life twice on accident. Although often heard, â€Å"on accident†is unidiomatic. The standard expression is â€Å"by accident†: â€Å"A man saved the same baby’s life twice by accident.†2. In 1930, a baby fell out of a window and Joseph Figlock broke the land. The writer is thinking of the baby’s landing. â€Å"Broke the landing†would do the job, but â€Å"broke the baby’s fall†would be better. 3. In 1858, a man was shot dead while playing poker as an act of vengeance. Correcting this sentence requires rearranging phrases and changing as to in. The man was not â€Å"playing poker as an act of vengeance.†He was â€Å"shot as an act of vengeance.†Why the man was shot is not as important as the fact that he was shot: â€Å"In 1858, a man playing poker was shot dead in an act of vengeance.†Changing as to in subordinates the reason for the shooting to the act of shooting. Context for the next item: The man who was shot left $600 on the table. Another man appropriated the $600 and continued playing, increasing the amount to $2,200. 4. When the cops heard word of this [the fact that the dead man’s winnings had been used by a subsequent gambler] they demanded the $600 was given to the next of kin to the deceased. This sentence requires editing in segments. i. When the cops heard word of this The idiom is â€Å"to have word of something.†For example, â€Å"I just had word that our team lost by one point.†Two ways to edit the original sentence: â€Å"When the cops heard of this, they demanded†â€Å"When the cops learned of this, they demanded†ii. they demanded the $600 A that is needed to introduce the noun clause that follows demanded: â€Å"they demanded that the $600.†Without the that, the reader is led to believe that the police were demanding the $600 for themselves. iii. demanded [that] the $600 was given to the next of kin The noun clause requires a verb in the passive subjunctive: â€Å"The police demanded that the $600 be given to the next of kin.†iv. given to the next of kin to the deceased The expression â€Å"next of kin†means, â€Å"nearest relation,†usually of a deceased person. For that reason, the prepositional phrase modifying kin is overkill. If another phrase were needed to explain the relationship with kin, the preposition would be of, not to: â€Å"the next of kin of the deceased.†5. In 2002, two identical twin brothers were killed on the same road, from two different accidents i. two identical twin brothers The word twin conveys the meaning of two. ii. killedfrom two different accidents People are killed in accidents. They die of injuries. They suffer from diseases. And, again, the two is unnecessary. We already know that there were two people involved in separate accidents. 6. Later, Ziegland went to go chop down the tree that the bullet was inside. It’s enough to say, â€Å"went to chop down the tree.†The idea of â€Å"going†is contained in the verb went. 7. Coincidentally, their father was in the same hospital from recovering from a surgery. This sentence is meant to convey the idea that the father just happened to be in the same hospital his two sons were brought to following their accidents. The phrase â€Å"from recovering†seems to mean, â€Å"because he was recovering.†The indefinite article is not needed before the word surgery, at least not in American English. Edited: â€Å"Coincidentally, their father was in the same hospital, recovering from surgery.†An American speaker would use an article with the word operation: â€Å"recovering from an operation.†8. Robert E Lee himself showed up at the cottage to request its use as a formal place of surrender. The contraction it’s stands for two words: it is. The context calls for the possessive adjective its. Edited: â€Å"Robert E Lee himself showed up at the cottage to request its use as a formal place of surrender.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Math or Maths?40 Synonyms for â€Å"Lie†10 Terms for the Common People
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution Free Online Research Papers Alternative Dispute Resolution, referred hereon as ADR, can be defined as a collective description of process or mechanisms that parties can use to resolve disputes rather than bringing a claim through the formal court structure. ADR is part of the civil justice system with the United Kingdom. It is a key aspect of the civil justice system and has grown over the past forty years. The issue in question is to asses to arguments for and against the use of ADR in the Civil Justice system. These alternatives have been developed to deal specifically with the perceived shortcomings of the formal structure of law and court procedure. The increased importance of ADR has been signaled in both legislation and court procedures. The use of ADR was featured predominantly in Lord Woolf’s Interim Report and his Final Report. In his final report, Lord Woolf urged that people should be encouraged to use the growing number of grievance proceedings methods, like ADR, before taking their cases through court proceedings. ADR features prominent in the new Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) 1998.Rule 1. (4.) (1) states that the court must further the overriding objective by actively managing cases. Rule1.4. (2) goes on elaborating twelve different examples of what effective case management means. The fifth of these is to encourage the parties to use ADR procedures if the court considers that to be appropriate and to facilitate the use of such procedures. Rule 26.4 of the CPR 1998 enables judges either on their own account or with the agreement of both parties, to stop court proceedings where they consider the dispute to be better suited to solution by some alternative procedure. If subsequently a court is of the opinion that a dispute could have been effectively settled through some alternative mechanism and this was brought to the attention of the parties, then under Rule 45.5 of the CPR, the party insisting that the case be brought before the court, may be penalized by the court by awarding them reduced or no cost should they win the case. This principle is also illustrated in R (Cowl) v Plymouth City Council [2001] CA. It is possible to refuse to engage in ADR without subsequently suffering in the awards of cost: Hurst v Leeming [2002]. There are a number of different types of alternative dispute resolution. These have been identified in the Lord Chancellor Department 1998 Consultation paper as being- arbitration; mediation; conciliation; med-arb; expert determination; early neutral evaluation; neutral fact finding; Ombudsmen and Utility Regulations. However, because the scopes of the ADR mechanisms are so wide, only the most common and mostly used forms of ADR will be considered in detail. The first and the oldest of the alternative procedures is arbitration. This is the procedure whereby parties refer the issue to a third for resolution, rather than taking the case to the ordinary courts. The arbitrator must be impartial, this means, that he/she must not take sides. He is expected to be fair and just and not favoring any party. The arbitrator is expected to decide the case before him according to its facts. In most cases, the arbitrator’s decision is legally binding and so it is not possible to go to the court I a party is unhappy with the decision. There are many different types of arbitration and most have common features, including-mutual agreement between the parties to arbitrate; it is private and has less formality than the courts; the decision is not made by the individual themselves; the process is final and legally binding and there are limited grounds for challenging a decision. Arbitration is widely used for international disputes, disputes between major co-corporations, employment rights disputes and consumer disputes. It is governed by the Arbitration Act (AA) 1996 which sets out its rules and provides a definition. The parties can usually choose an arbitrator, providing they can agree on one. The AA 1996 lays down strict rules for how arbitration should work. However, as arbitration is intended to be less formal, less expensive and more flexible than the court, the rules of evidence are not as strict and parties can usually have a say in how they want the hearing to be conducted. Once the parties have decided to use arbitration and the process has begun, the parties usually give up their right to seek resolution of the matter elsewhere; such as a court or tribunal. A second alterative basis on which parties can resolve disputes is by using the process of mediation. Mediation is the process whereby a third party acts as a conduit through which two disputing parties communicate and negotiate in an attempt to reach a common resolution of a problem. The mediator may move between the parties, communicating their opinions, without them having to meet, or alternatively, the mediator may operate in the presence of the parties, but in either situation, the emphasis is on the parties themselves working out a shared agreement as to how the dispute in question is to be resolved. Mediation is more than a mere negotiation. All types of mediation have the following common features-: it is voluntary-parties can choose to mediator or to; it is private and confidential, the mediator is impartial and independent and the parties can decide how it is to be decided. Mediation can be used in cases involving only two (2) parties and those involving a large number of parties or entire communities. Mediation is the most wide-ranging ADR process and is used in many area of dispute including, inter alia, business, consumer, divorce and separation, negligence, education and personal injury. Most mediation meetings are concluded within a day, but it is possible for mediation to take place over several meetings. There are no set outcomes. The range of remedies than can be achieved is as wide as you want it to be. You are not restricted to the outcomes which a court could order. A party could make an agreement which includes an apology, a promise to do or not to do something, compensatory refunds, replacement of goods and so forth. Mediation is a non-binding process- agreements are not legally binging. However, it has a good track record when it comes to keeping agreements. If no agreement is reached, alternative methods can be used or parties can have recourse to the courts. Conciliation takes mediation a step further and gives the conciliator the power to suggest grounds for compromise and the possible basis for conclusive agreement. Thus, conciliation has a more interventionist role. The conciliator should be impartial. Conciliation is private and the terms of settlement are not made public unless the parties agree. The sort of outcomes achieved are similar to those in mediation, including- an apology; explanation and compensation changes in practice or procedure. Another Mechanism of ADR is the office of the Ombudsmen. Ombudsmen are independent office holders who investigate and rule on complaints from members of the public about mal administration in government, and I particular, services both the public and private sector. Some Ombudsmen use mediation as a part of their dispute resolution procedures. The powers of the ombudsman vary. They are able to make recommendation; only a few can make decisions which are enforceable. Med Arb is a combination of mediation and arbitration where the parties agree to mediate; bit if that fails to achieve a settlement, the dispute id referred to arbitration. The same individual may act as the mediator and the arbitrator in this type of arrangement. Although, not in itself a form of ADR, it is deemed necessary to give a brief analysis of tribunals. Tribunals are very similar to a court but rather, it is a statutory establishment in the manner of a court to hear particular grievances or specialist matters of dispute. Examples of tribunals include the administrative tribunal, employment and industrial tribunal. Tribunals do not administer any part of the judicial power of the state. (Attorney-General v British Broadcasting Corporation [1980]. HL) it has a specific jurisdiction as allocated by allocated by Parliament. The strengths and weaknesses of Alternative Dispute Resolution will now be facilitated followed by a general overview of whether the process in itself is successful. For many reasons, advocates of ADR believe that it is superior to law suits and litigation. ADR is generally faster. Cases and disputes can be resolved in a matter of weeks or even days, thus taking less time to reach a decision than waiting for the case to go to trial which can take years before a decision is reached. It is significantly more cost-efficient than the formal courts which then to be expensive. It is based on more direct participation by the disputants, rather than being regulated by the courts, lawyers or even the state. In most ADR processes, the parties outline the process they will use and define the substance of their agreements. This type of involvement is believed to increase people satisfaction with the outcomes, as well as their compliance with the agreement reached. Thus, the parties shave a certain amount of flexibility in choosing what rule swill be applied to their dispute. A special characteristic of ADR is that, unlike disputes in the courts for certain matters, there is no jury involved. This is advantageous because juries can be unpredictable and often simplify or decrease damages awarded purely according to whether they favor a particular party. Most ADR processes are based on an integrative approach. They are more cooperative and less competitive than adversarial court-based methods, like litigation. For this reason, ADR tends to generate less escalation and ill will between the parties. In fact, participating in ADR will often ultimately improve, rather than worsen, the relationship between the parties. This a key advantage where he parties continue to interact after a settlement id reached. The process is an alternative method and therefore it is not compulsory but should be appropriate. Another unique aspect of ADR which distinguishes it from the court system is that with arbitration, the decision maker is usually an expert in the field of the relevant issue under consideration. This has a twofold advantage. It speeds up the process because considerable amounts of time do not have to be spent educating a judge if there are technical or complicated issues. Secondly, if saves cost because the parties do not necessarily have to employ a lawyer. Alternative methods tend to be and informal and private procedure. the latter advantage ensures that the parties do not run the risk of any damaging publicity arising out of reports of the proceedings which may affect their reputation and that outsiders do not get access to ay potentially secretive information. Despite the wealth of advantages in using various alternative methods, many criticisms have been leveled ad possible drawbacks indentified. ADR is not always cheap. Unsuccessful ADR can result in cost being leveled at the same amount for court proceedings. ADR, with the exception of arbitration, do not always lead to a guaranteed resolution. this means that it is possible to invest time and money in ADR proceedings but nevertheless, recourse must be made to the courts. this in turn increases litigation cost. Not all forms of ADR are quick- in fact, some may require a client to pass through many stages before adjudication. Although theoretically, ADR is not compulsory, it appears to be so. This is evidential from the CPR 1998 and the case of Dunnett v Railtrack. This principle was discussed above. While these various methods tend to be faster and more, a potential drawback is that the only available remedy is damages and. this amount is limited An individual is likely to get compensation that is extremely low compared to what he could have gotten if the dispute was settled in the court. They do not have jurisdiction to award injunctions or even specific performance. Although, the parties do not necessarily need a lawyer, they are the possibility of unequal bargaining power, whereby the more powerful, wealthy party will ensure that they have a lawyer present. This is a potential weakness of ADR because the powerful party may use the power to sell off potential litigants. Critics have concerns about the legitimacy of ADR, arguing that ADR provides a second class justice, undermining the fundamental idea that there should be equal justice to all. Mediation, although not arbitration, is a non legally binding process. Despite Arbitration begin legally binding, it may be difficult to enforce or overturn a decision. Leave to appeal are only granted din limited circumstances. an arbitrator’s decision is final and is subjected to judicial review in limited cases. also there is no precedent in ADR so parties can not anticipate what a decision is likely to be. . Another concern is that because the process is private ad not in the public reports or subject to pubic scrutiny, issues that may be considered of paramount importance may never be within the public sphere. However, the confidentially rule may be waived under circumstances: Emmott v Wilson (2008). Despite the disadvantageous of the process, It is submitted that the process nevertheless plays a vital part in the opening of access to justice. Lord Woolf himself, asserted that the use of ADR had the ‘obvious’ advantage of saving scarce judicial resources and that it offered benefits to litigants or potential litigants, generally speed and reduced cost. Bibliography District Judge Trent â€Å"ADR and the new Civil Procedure Rules†. New Law Journal (March 19, 1999) 410 Elliot, C and Quinn, F. English Legal System, eighth edition, 2007 (London: Pearson Longman) Genn, Hazel, â€Å"Solving Civil Justice Problems: what might be best?†Scottish Consumer Seminar on Civil Justice, 19 January, 2005. Lord Woolf, Inquiry into Access to Justice, Interim Report, Lord Chancellors Department, 1995, Chapter 2. Saddler, Emma. â€Å"A Quick Fix or A Long Battle†, New Law Journal 159-428, Mar 20, 2009. Slapper, G and Kelly, D. The English Legal System, eighth edition, 2006 (Routledge Cavendish Publishing). Zander, Michael. Cases and Materials on The English legal System, ninth edition, 2003. (Lexis Nexis Butterworths). Zander, Michael. The State Of Justice†, fifth edition, 2008. (London: Sweet and Maxwell). Research Papers on Alternative Dispute ResolutionCapital PunishmentPETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Project Managment Office SystemThe Fifth HorsemanQuebec and CanadaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfOpen Architechture a white paperAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayBringing Democracy to Africa
Monday, November 4, 2019
RyanAir Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
RyanAir Strategic Management - Assignment Example After the September 11th (9-11) terrorists' attacks on the world trade centre the airline industry has been trying to draw back its customer base. It has slowly regained its pre 9-11 customer levels. Some airlines are recovering from bankruptcies and lay offs within the industry. The airline industry has regained its consideration as the main way of travel for the tourism and business industries. Economic recovery in other industries such as tourism and conference hosting could benefit the airline industry if the industry responds with a marketing campaign promoting air travel to destinations that are popular for tourism and business industries. Post 9-11 the American airline industries recovery was assisted by special payments (bail-outs) from the U.S. government. This greatly affected European Union (EU) airlines. The lowering of ticket prices by the American carriers also affected the EU airline industry. A trans-Atlantic airline pricing agreement helped keep the EU airlines in business. In addition the EU agreed to allow European governments to provide payouts to their airlines (much as the American government did) to help them recover from the 9-11 related industry slowdown (World Airline News, 1). Although the airline industry may have recovered from its 9-11 reaction to the World Trade Centre attacks it is still affected by the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Security within the industry is much higher than pre 9-11 but there still remains the possible threat of another attack using the airlines as a target or tool of the attack. European Union airlines continue to compete with trans-Atlantic airlines from the United States and other North and South American airlines. Tourists are choosing to visit countries they believe "safe" such as England and Ireland rather than Middle Eastern or South West Asian countries. This is good for EU air carriers who benefit greatly by the increase in business. RyanAir's Development (History). Ryanair is an airline that continues to exploit the low cost air industry by providing some of the lowest fares in the industry. Ryanair is purposely modelled after the American airline South West Airlines and uses the no frills approach to providing air transportation. This means no in flight meals or snacks or such (for free). The airline provides basically a seat (or ride) only. Ryanair is headquartered in Dublin Ireland at the Dublin airport. It's only Irish competitor is Aer Lingus which is Ireland's national airline. Ryanair holds a 25% stake in Aer Lingus and makes no secrets about its interest in acquiring Aer Lingus. Ryanair currently has 232 low cost routes across 24 countries. Its reputation in the European Union is as the EU's first
Saturday, November 2, 2019
An Outstanding Multicultural Manager Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
An Outstanding Multicultural Manager - Assignment Example No one should be discriminated against in any way. Being committed to educational equity, I have to ensure that everyone has access to it. I will fight for all equities, be it racial, gender or sexual orientation. I will reevaluate value system or worldview to ensure that I don’t justify my inattention to any given group of underrepresented or disenfranchised students because of such worldview or value system (Ramsey, 16). Secondly, I can give lessons to my students regarding the critical multicultural issues like poverty, sexism, racism, and heterosexism. To ensure that cultural diversity is well addressed and practiced fully, I will start imparting knowledge on such issues to younger students because children from disenfranchised communities begin experiencing the problems at the youngest ages. Thirdly, I can provide an integrated multicultural curriculum all the year, every day and not just during special celebrations or months. This will ensure that the students are continuously learning how to deal with cultural diversity. Fourthly, I can practice correct pronunciation of each student’s full name so that every student can feel included. Students do not have to change or shorten their names to make it easy to be pronounced by anybody. This will contribute to making students feel cared for and not discriminated against. Fifthly, I can make sure that students that come from disenfranchised communities are fairly treated and not placed unjustly into lower academic tracks (Ramsey, 125). Moreover, I can tirelessly fight to get them into talented and gifted programs. In order to also benefit high achievers, I can fight tracking altogether. Sixthly, I can direct my effort towards building coalitions with other teachers who are from the different race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, class, home language, and so on.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Counsel Retainment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Counsel Retainment - Essay Example The following is the criteria that a firm should have for the fulfillment of the needs of the company for a general counsel. Such a firm should have significant experience in high dollar manufacturing and product liability. Due to the many laws and regulations in the aviation industry, the firm should have experience and expertise in cases and litigation involving aviation and be thoroughly familiar with FAA regulations. Additionally, international experience in the same areas is critical. These criteria have been chosen due to the high sensitivity of the contract. The company has been awarded a $50,000,000.00 subcontract to produce landing gear components for the next generation of commercial aircraft. This contract is very important to the company and, therefore, must get the best law firm to review the contract. It is also because the company has neither had an in-house counsel, nor been involved in litigation and, thus, has never retained outside counsel. It is important the best counsel be retained for the review of the contract. Following the research and recommendation of outside law firms, the fol lowing was documented as the recommendation: The firm seems to have all our requirements. The firm has an extensive list of awards and recognition including high honors for superior client service among law firms serving Fortune 1000 companies by BTI Client Service 30, 2015; and ranking in U.S News Media Group and Best Lawyers ‘Best Law Firms’ 2015. Additionally, 164 of the firm’s lawyers were recognized in the oldest lawyer-rating publications â€Å"Best Lawyers in America 2015†. A large majority of the firm’s aviation experience has been in product liability representation and counseling. They have provided product liability counseling to companies such as Boeing, Quest Aircraft, McDonnel Douglas Corporation and Garmin, and have represented clients manufacturing clients in cases involving airline
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Auditory System Essay Example for Free
Auditory System Essay The world contains all kinds of energy that translates into information about what we see, hear, smell, touch and taste. A sensory system is a part of the nervous system responsible for processing specific sensory information. The components of a sensory system include sensory receptors, neural pathways, and parts of the brain involved in sensory perception. To begin, energy from the environment stimulates the receptor cells in whichever sense organ is being used. If this information were auditory, the ear would convert sound waves in the air into electrical impulses that would further be interpreted by the brain as sound. A sound wave first enters the pinna, the fleshy part of the ear on the outside of the body. It then travels through the external auditory canal where it then meets the eardrum, a thin membrane in the outer ear. The eardrum then vibrates in response to the sound wave. What we hear will depend on the wavelength and frequency of the wave. The eardrum is connected to a group of three small bones call â€Å"the ossicles†in the middle ear. This group includes the malleus, incus and the stapes. These three bones, the smallest in the human body, protect the eardrum from more intense sounds and also deliver the vibrations to the base of the stapes. The stapes then sends the vibrations into the inner ear and interacts with the round window. The round window, a small membrane that allows liquid inside the inner ear to be displaced and receive the vibration. The vibration travels through the spiral structure of the inner ear called the cochlea and ends at the round window. Inside the cochlea there are three canals: the scala vestibuli, the scala media and the scala tympani. The scala vestibule leads up to the apex of the cochlea, the scala tympani leads down to the round window and the scala media sits in between the other two canals. All of these canals are filled with fluid and are separated by two different membranes; Reissner’s membrane and the Basilar membrane. Both of these membranes are flexible and respond to the vibrations traveling through the scala vestibuli. The movements of the membranes then send the vibrations down the scala tympani. A structure called the Organ of Corti, which is situated on the basilar membrane, becomes stimulated as the membrane vibrates and sends nerve impulses to the brain. Within the Organ of Corti are a group of specialized cells called hair cells, which are covered by the tectorial membrane. As the basilar membrane vibrates, the hair cells are bents and push up against the tectorial membrane. This causes the hair cells to fire and send nerve impulses to the auditory cortex on each of the brains hemispheres through the cochlear nerve. How we determine pitch can be explained with two different theories. The Place Theory states that the entire basilar membrane does not vibrate at once so different parts of the basilar membrane respond to different frequencies of sound. Lower frequency sounds vibrate the basilar membrane near the apex of the cochlea while higher frequency sounds produce vibrations closer to the base. The Frequency Theory states that the frequency of firing matches the frequency of the sound wave. Hearing loss can occur for a number of reasons. Damage to the eardrum due to age and prolonged exposure to loud noise may cause the hairs or nerve cells in the cochlea to wear out and become less effective. A buildup of earwax can block the ear canal and prevent of sound waves from entering the eardrum. Otosclerosis, a genetic form of hearing loss in which the stapes is fixed in place so sound cannot enter the inner ear.
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