Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Five Minds for the Future - 1468 Words
Five Minds for the Future - Howard Gardner Book Review Submitted to: Mr. Imran Saqib Submitted by: Zulfiqar Ali Date: 19/12/12 Table of Contents About the Author: 2 Summary 2 Applying the Book to Human Resource Management 6 Conclusion 6 About the Author: Howard Gardner is a renowned American Psychologist and writer who currently holds a position as an adjunct professor at Harvard University. Among numerous honors, Gardner had received a MacArthur Prize Fellowship and honorary degrees from twenty-nine colleges and universities, including institutions in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, South Korea and Spain. In 2005 and 2008, he was selected by Foreign Policy and Prospect magazines as one of the 100 most influential public†¦show more content†¦The knowledge should not limit to the boundaries of formal education and one should dive into the depths in order to understand the core concepts. Gardner believes that a scholarly mind channelizes human thoughts and gives it a direction. If a mind is not schooled properly, it is likely to get carried away by unnecessary beliefs. Facts and statistics are not just bits and pieces of information. They have a lot to comprehend and therefore, a mind ready for the future should be well trained in essential disciplines. Next, Gardner informs us about the Synthesizing mind and its course of action. He highlights that a synthesizing mind is capable to extract the relevant information from the floods of information directed towards us, screens it and uses it in complement to the activities that demand its employment. Linking together ideas and concepts have largely become a key to understanding the complexities. If one has the ability to weave together strands of information and develop a strategy that is on the go, he is highly likely to excel in the future. Another mind characteristic that Gardner throws light over is the Creating mind and its relevance to the future. A creating mind always comes up with questions that help you enter new genres and explore the existing ones. Gardner signifies that the major reason why humans still have control is because of the spark of innovation in them which computers cannotShow MoreRelatedFive Minds for the Future1482 Words  | 6 PagesFive Minds for the Future - Howard Gardner Book Review Submitted to: Mr. Imran Saqib Submitted by: Zulfiqar Ali Date: 19/12/12 Table of Contents About the Author: 2 Summary 2 Applying the Book to Human Resource Management 6 Conclusion 6 About the Author: Howard Gardner is a renowned American Psychologist and writer who currently holds a position as an adjunct professor at Harvard University. 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I will evaluate a current development program that I might create or in which I participate, relative to its ability to build deep self-awareness and growth, cultural intelligence, and Gardner s five minds in prospective leaders. Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. – Dwight D. Eisenhower According Brian O Nail, the author of Test Your Leadership Skills, leadership is influencing
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Critically Discuss Three Sociological Approaches to...
Critically discuss three sociological approaches to explaining crime? One of the most predominant areas of study in sociology is in the explanation of crime and deviance in society. Criminal acts are those which violate established formal laws, whereas deviance refers to the breaking of social norms. Crime and deviance are a social construct as they are decided by the people in a society and can vary greatly depending on the society in question, as well as the time period being studied. In the past research focussed on pursuing biological explanations for people committing criminal or deviant acts. The prevalence of convicted male criminals and the discovery of the XYY chromosome pattern in male prison inmates lead some scientists to†¦show more content†¦Durkheim also proposed that social views to activities considered deviant could change and that those activities could eventually become part of the socially accepted norm, changing society. For example, attitudes towards homosexuality have changed significantly in the last 50 years, with decriminalisation leading to tolerance and eventual acceptance by general society. This social change occurs when a segment of society begins to support acts considered deviant, causing society as a whole to reconsider its collective position and advance its cultural boundaries, conceivably for the benefit of all. Strain theory, proposed by Robert Merton and advanced by Albert Cohen, Richard Cloward, Lloyd Ohlin and Robert Agnew, argues that it is the structure of society that causes crime due to the pressure put on society’s members to achieve common social goals. For example, the capitalist ‘American Dream’ of financial success has lead some, who are unable to achieve this goal through conventional means (often the poor and powerless), to turn to crime as a way of gaining financial prosperity. This can lead to the formation of criminal subcultures where different values become important such as fearlessness and resentment towards authority. This allows those who are unable to achieve success conventionally to gain statusShow MoreRelatedTraditional African Family19679 Words  | 79 Pagessubsequent edition has been unrivalled for accuracy and detail. These lesson plans aim to provide guidance on using the sixth edition of Sociology Themes and Perspectives in a teaching context by offering practical classroom support for teachers. Three lesson plans are provided for each chapter. One of these is a glossary exercise that will help students come to terms with the conceptual base of the subject and allow them to build a running dictionary of sociology. The other two lessons focus onRead MoreCompare and Contrast Functionalism and Structuralism14315 Words  | 58 PagesChapter 1 What is social psychology? LEARNING OUTCOMES When you have ï ¬ nished studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1 Outline the main differences between experimental and critical approaches to social psychology. 2 Describe the three main ‘metaphysical battles’ between them. 3 Trace the origins of social psychology through the work of William McDougall and William James, and the contributions made by Và ¶lkerpsychologie and crowd psychology. 4 Describe the two contrastingRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pageschapters as a starting point for getting to grips with the field of organization theory. Dr Martin Brigham, Lancaster University, UK McAuley et al. provide a highly readable account of ideas, perspectives and practices of organization. By thoroughly explaining, analyzing and exploring organization theory the book increases the understanding of a field that in recent years has become ever more fragmented. Organization theory is central to managing, organizing and reflecting on both formal and informalRead MoreMethods of Qualitative of Data Collection19658 Words  | 79 Pagestalk-show interview, we might speak of its width instead of its depth (Wengraf, 2001). Interviewing varies in terms of a priori structure and in the latitude the interviewee has in responding to questions. Patton (2002, pp. 341–347) puts interviews into three general categories: the informal, conversational interview; the general interview guide approach; and the standardized, open-ended interview. 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Departing from a tendency among historians to specialize in one or the other of what have been viewed as very different wars, Morrow not only compares the two conflicts in detail, but also approaches each war and its linkages from a thoroughly global perspective. This combination of rigorous comparison and breadth allows him to repeatedly challenge longestablished myths, provide alternatives to narrowly conceived interpretations, and offer
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Mission Statement Internet Research Free Essays
The mission statement is a brief description of the company and its purpose. The mission statement is basically a brief profile of the company which should essentially show a distinct picture of the organization in limited sentences. The scope of the statement is not limited; instead the statement attempts to cover the vision for the whole organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Mission Statement Internet Research or any similar topic only for you Order Now The statement should answer the questions as to what the company is about, what it does, who are its customers, how it operates and why does it operate in a particular manner. The length of this statement is usually from one to five sentences and energy words are usually used transmit the message. Companies do use this statement as an advertisement slogan to build relationships with the shareholders and customers; however a more common use of this statement has been to set specific strategic goals for the senior staff and employees of the company. Aside from this the mission statement is also used to resolve any differences between the business stakeholders who are essentially the shareholders, the employees, and the customers. The first mission statement to be chosen for the purpose of this research was for an accountancy firm by the name of Brinks, Hofer, Gilson and Lione. The firm provides various financial services to the customers. The mission statement for the HR department of this company was â€Å"Our mission is to treat each person as a valued customer while contributing positively to the overall objectives of Brinks Hofer Gilson and Lione. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of quality services, and support in employment, training, employee relations, benefits, Compensation and safety beyond the expectations of all employees, enabling them to better serve our external customers. We do this with a commitment of attaining the highest level of personal integrity. We seek to recruit the most qualified people while recognizing and encouraging the value of diversity in the work place. We establish, administer and communicate sound policies, rules and practices that treat employees with dignity and equality while maintaining firm compliance with Local, State and Federal employment and labor laws.†(‘Human Resource Statement’, 2007) The HR mission statement for the company does cover what services the HR department provides to the firm, how it benefits the management and how it their efforts resulting the ultimate contribution towards the company’s overall objective of providing the highest quality of service to its customers. The HR mission statement for the company however does not state how the efforts of the department help or benefit the external stakeholders, i.e., the shareholders and investors of the company. This HR statement is employee and customer oriented and does contribute towards the goals of the company itself but does not specifically depict any benefits for the stakeholders. The second mission statement chosen for this paper is that of Wharton County Junior College. The HR department of the college states that â€Å"The Human Resources Department will serve as a strategic partner along side of WCJC’s administration, faculty, and staff in supporting the mission of Wharton County Junior College. The Human Resources Department will take a leadership role in providing services that support the College by promoting the concept that our employees are our most valuable resource and will be treated as such. The Human Resources Department will act as catalysts enabling all employees to contribute at optimum levels towards the success of the college.†(‘Human Resource Department’, Wharton County Junior College) The focus of the department emphasizes the optimal level of activity in the company to enable the productivity to increase to higher levels. The company also seeks to computerize its HR department to enable computerized monitoring and managing capability in the business. Aside from this statement also mentions that the department will follow the four key points of the company which are dignity, justice, service and excellence. The department seeks to provide the external the employees as well as the customers of the company with respect, fair treatment, quality and high standard of performance, however as with the mission statement for the accounting firm discussed earlier this statement also does not identify how the department looks forward to help the stakeholders and provides them with benefits. An indirect link between satisfied customers, and employees and increasing profits is there but no specific point is made in regard to the investors. The third mission statement which has been chosen for this paper is that of the HR department for The Santa Cruz City in the United States. The mission statement of the HR department for the city goes as follows: â€Å"The mission of the City of Santa Cruz Human Resources Department is to provide quality human resource services to the public and to all City departments. As we serve, we commit to: maintaining excellence, honesty, integrity and high standards in the quality of service which we provide; giving personalized, trustworthy service, courteous assistance, patience, and compassion for any client needing our assistance or service; taking responsibility as a department and as individuals for the work we do and for the image we present as representatives of the City; working as a team to develop partnerships by continuous open communication with our internal/external clients and our co-workers; promoting personal and professional growth as well as job satisfaction for all City staff, and fostering an environment in which employees’ creativity, productivity and risk taking are recognized, valued and encouraged; respecting and celebrating the diverse world in which we live and work and actively promoting diversity in our workforce; Never forgetting to see the human side of our work, maintaining our sense of humor and valuing each other.†(‘Mission Statement’, Santa Cruz Human Resources Department) The mission statement for the Santa Cruz city covers the aspects of what the HR department for the city does for the City government. The main activities undertaken by the department are highlighted and the value provided to the employees and the customers is specifically stated in the statement. Special attention has been paid top the work environment and how the improvements made and sustained in it help in contributing value and significance for the employees. However like the above depicted mission statements, this statement also does not cover as to how it provides benefits to the stakeholders of the company. Conclusively it can be seen that the mission statement for HR departments is usually much longer and detailed than the mission statement of the company. Similarly, according to all the mission statements that have been explored for the purpose of this project, almost all of the mission statements do not provide information related to any advantages and steps taken for increasing the value for the shareholders. References â€Å"Human Resource Statement†, Brinks, Hofer, Gilson Lione, (2007), accessed 25/07/2007, http://www.brinksgilson.com/ How to cite Mission Statement Internet Research, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Resume writing of Profs Essay Example For Students
Resume writing of Profs Essay Custom essay writing service ProfEssays offers a new service of resume writing. At the same time this custom essay writing company intends to raise awareness of resume writing among job seekers. Our recommendations are the following:Your Resume Should Be:A concise and factual presentation of your credentialsFocused on your education, accomplishments, strengths, employment history and goalsAn invaluable marketing toolYour introduction to a potential employerBrief, easy to read, and grammatically well-constructedChronological resumes document work experience and education in chronological order, with the most recent dates first. Major categories are: Work Experience, Education, Professional Affiliations, and Awards. This format is generally used by candidates applying for jobs in traditional organizations or for those who are staying in the same field. This type of resume is best used when your job history reflects growth, when prior employment has been with a prestigious employer, and you want to emphasize that work experience, or when a prior job title may be considered impressive to the reader. This format may not be the most appropriate to use when your job history is irregular, you are changing careers, you have changed employment frequently, or you have little employment history. Functional resumes intend to highlight your specific skills and accomplishments which have been demonstrated through specific work related achievements. Note that your skills do not necessarily have to be presented in the order in which they were accomplished; list them by order of importance as they relate to the job for which you are applying. Major categories are:Technical Abilities (skills), Work History, Education, and Professional Affiliations. This format is best used when you want to change careers, when you are returning to the job market after a long absence, when your career growth has not been good, or when you believe extended work experience is not needed or desired f or the job for which you are making application. The functional resume should be avoided in traditional fields such as teaching or government or when continuous growth is important to demonstrate . Combination Chronological/Functional resume is being used increasingly by candidates to highlight special accomplishments while giving employment history in chronological order. The combination resume also seems to be popular with employment offices. Major categories are:Professional Objectives, Education, Honors, Work Experience, and Summary. Targeted resume focuses on a specific position that you are seeking. Major categories are: Job Target, Capabilities, Achievements, Work Experience, and Education. This format should be used when your job goal is clear. Since this type of format is focused on one career field, it may not be useful to you if you are exploring multiple job options and do not have time to develop more than one resume. Curriculum Vitae format is used for academic positio ns. The brevity required in a resume for business type employment does not necessarily apply in academy It is important in a curriculum vitae to include all published works, presentations made at professional meetings, awards, professional achievements, and more detail about educational studies. The Cover Letter should amplify points that you may or may not have covered in your resume; it serves as your introduction to an organization. It should be brief and informative. Several things should be addressed:Explain why you are writing to the organization. Whenever possible, the letter should be addressed to a specific person. with the full name and title. Make sure the name of the person addressed is spelled correctly. This person could be the Chief Operating Officer, the Human Resources Director, or one of the line managers. If responding to an advertisement, give the date of the ad, the publication in which the ad was run, and the title of the position for which you are enclosing an application. Analyze your skills, acquired both on the job and in volunteer work, and make every effort to match your skills with those emphasized in the ad. .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .postImageUrl , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:hover , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:visited , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:active { border:0!important; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:active , .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707 .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3a81cc302b9aa774f35a929a11289707:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: World History: Change Gathers Steam: 1800-40 EssayIf sending an unsolicited resume, make every effort to explore the goals of the organization, its regular and continuing job needs, and the climate of the organization to permit you to match your accomplishments with the goals and objectives of the organization. In closing, express a desire to arrange a time for an interview and state that you will telephone to request a time for an appointment. However much a student learns in college, one more skill is usually ignored before he or she begins the serious task of looking for full-time employment. In order to ensure that all those years of schooling and other experiences will pay off in the job hunt, even before contacting employers, one must be able to write a catchy, impressive and well-structured resume. If you lack experience in resume writing, feel free to contact the writers of custom essay writing service Professays who will help you to compose a masterpiece of your resume. On the whole ProfEssays completes custom essays, custom academic papers, custom research papers, custom term papers, custom admission essays, compositions, book reports, case studies and this list is far from being full. To order custom essays or papers visit our site.
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