Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Physiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Physiology - Essay Example While osteoblasts are bone-shaping cells, osteocytes are adult bone cells and osteoclasts separate and reabsorb bone (†Bone Growth and Development†). Hardening is essentially of 2 kinds, intramembranous and endochondral. In both these, the development of bone tissue is comparative. To begin with, there is increment in the quantity of cells and collagen strands. At that point, the cells separate into osteoblasts. These phones structure a natural network called the osteoid in which the bone salts are kept. A portion of these osteoblasts stay in the lattice and change into osteocytes (Gardner, 856-862). The substitution of sheet-like connective tissue films with hard tissue is known as intramembranous hardening and bones framed by this strategy are known as intramembranous bones. A portion of the level bones of the skull and sporadic bones fall into this class. These bones are at first framed as connective tissues layers, later on the osteoblasts relocate to the films and store hard grid around themselves and change into osteocytes. Supplanting of hyaline ligament with hard tissue is known as endochondral solidification. A large portion of the bones in our body are framed as such and henceforth these bones are known as endochondral bones. The bones are first shaped as hyaline ligament models as ahead of schedule as in the third month of growth. This is encircled by a film called the perichondrium. Afterward, this becomes invaded with veins and osteoblasts and afterward is known as the periosteum (†Bone Growth and Development†). Essential focal point of solidification is the district in the bone wherein the procedure of hardening begins first and this is shown by an expansion in the cells and filaments. Solidification proceeds from this middle toward the parts of the bargains. The time at which the essential place shows up relies upon the bone. The parietal and frontal bones, maxilla, and mandible show up during the early stage time frame. In the long bones, the essential focal point of solidification
Friday, August 21, 2020
Discrimination in hispanic business Research Paper - 1
Separation in hispanic business - Research Paper Example Most of the Hispanic entrepreneurs underline that representatives in their organizations are missing of the board abilities. There is no basic wellspring of financing coordinated on workers abilities improvement. From one viewpoint, it is fairly compelling to advance Hispanic business if there should arise an occurrence of workers are of Hispanic source, in light of the fact that regularly non-Hispanics are not recruited as a significant piece of representatives. Hispanic entrepreneurs are kept from private and open market choices. An extraordinary number of respondents concur upon the way that the administration doesn't give them an equivalent open door for business advancement and advancement. There are numerous cases, when Hispanic entrepreneurs were mistreated and segregated. One of the fundamental models is the accompanying: Latino entrepreneurs in Queens have grumbled that they feel oppressed by Community Board 3 when they apply for licenses to sell liquor (Medina, 2012). There is an unmistakable dismissal in permit as a result of entrepreneurs Hispanic source. Palagauchi blames government for racial biases. He underlines that Hispanic entrepreneurs know English and they can be acceptable experts, however they can discover no assistance. The administration stays quiet. Other representatives of Hispanic source underlined that an unfriendly state of mind, a forceful conduct, complete bias and misuse were experienced by them during the time spent archives gathering and applying for liquor exchange permit. All the time individuals in various business fields are griping about a merciless mentality. It is important to present new points of view and the new influxes of workers of Hispanic beginning to America are likewise anticipating finding better approaches for individual acknowledgment of business objectives. From one perspective, America is a major nation and there are various choices for acknowledgment of objectives of these individuals. Actually, ethnic minorities are presented to
Types of Essays Essays - Writing, Human Communication, Essay
Kinds of Essay's Account Essays: Telling a StoryIn an account paper, the author recounts to a tale about a genuine encounter. While recounting to a story may sound simple to do, the account exposition moves understudies to ponder themselves. When composing an account paper, essayists should attempt to include the peruser by making the story as distinctive as could be expected under the circumstances. The way that account articles are generally written in the principal individual draws in the peruser. I sentences give perusers a sentiment of being a piece of the story. A very much made account exposition will likewise work towards reaching a determination or offering an individual expression. Descriptive Essays: Just the FactsThe explanatory paper is a useful bit of composing that presents a decent investigation of a subject. In an interpretive exposition, the author clarifies or characterizes a theme, utilizing realities, insights, and models. Descriptive composing envelops a wide scope of exposition varieties, for example, the correlation and differentiation paper, the circumstances and logical results article, and the how to or process exposition. Since explanatory expositions depend on realities and not close to home sentiments, scholars don't uncover their feelings or write in the primary individual.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Tragic Hero Definition Free Essay Sample
Tragic Hero Definition Free Essay Sample “The key element in tragedy is that heroes and heroines are destroyed by that which appears to be their greatest strengthâ€, Robert Shea Tragic hero definition The term hero is derived from a Greek word that means a person who faces adversity, or demonstrates courage, in the face of danger. Now we can come across with different examples in the literature where the tragic hero used where definition of tragic hero explained as a literary character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw that, combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedy. The tragic hero is the man of innate nobleness who still has some defect that lays him open to ruin. To this day, literature is inundated with tragic heroes, but it was the great philosopher, Aristotle, who first outlined the qualities of a tragic hero. Aristotle, in his Greek tragedy “Oedipus Rex†(which is classical tragedy), sets the typical atmosphere and mood, tragic character with tragic destiny, which illustrates the qualities of a tragedy and express it in full scope. The main character, King Oedipus possess great status and ideal qualities; but he also has his weaknesses, described by the author. Aristotles tragic hero wholly identifies himself, and which bears him on to his doom. Characteristics of a tragic hero Having read Aristotel’s work, the basic characteristics of a tragic hero, as can be defined there: Hamartia â€" a tragic flaw that causes the downfall of a hero. Hubris â€" excessive pride and disrespect for the natural order of things. Peripeteia â€" the reversal of fate that the hero experiences. Anagnorisis â€" a moment in time when hero makes an important discovery in the story. Nemesis â€" a punishment that the protagonist cannot avoid, usually occurring as a result of his hubris. Catharsis â€" feelings of pity and fear felt by the audience, for the inevitable downfall of the protagonist. Examples of a tragic hero We can say that Oedipus is truly tragic hero by the literary definition: he is a great or virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat. Aristotle has used Oedipus as a perfect example of a tragic hero, as he has hubris that is his pride makes him blind to the truth. He is tragic because he struggles against the forces of his fate and pitiable due to his weakness, which arouses fear in the audience. We also see the concept of tragic hero in Greek mythology. Achilles was a Greek hero of the Trojan War and the central character and greatest warrior of Homers Iliad. According to legend, Achilles was extraordinarily strong, courageous and loyal, but he had one vulnerabilityâ€"his “Achilles heel.†Achilles’ heel, the one place where the powerful warrior Achilles was vulnerable. Another great example of how tragic hero can be seen is Romeo and Juliet (by William Shakespeare). This is a well- known story of true love experienced by young man and woman. Being on the different sides, as a part of two families which were in a quarrel from centuries, they couldn’t resign from it and give up without a fight. They counted on a fate’s decision which let them down in the end. This is what made the story tragic. Thus, Romeo’s tragic flaw is start believing on his fate immediately when Juliet was seen dead. So it is not only fate, but also his actions and choices that bring his downfall and death. As for modern examples of tragic hero, we can see it in Pirates of the Caribbean. Davy Jones, who has very a destiny full of losses and despair. When Calypso (the sea goddess) broke his heart, he became enrages, and turned him in to a bad man. This is a real tragedy when your bellowed one makes you a broken â€"hearted man, leaving you to suffer. Thus Jones ended up as a sea captain (growing into some sort of a monster: half human and half octopus) doomed to stay on his ship, the Flying Dutchman, forever. To sum up, the purpose of a tragic hero is to evoke sad emotions, such as pity, despair and fear, which makes the audience experience catharsis, relieving them of their pent up emotions. When readers are experiencing the situations author has presented, by going through the path of the tragic hero’s life, they share his struggle, overcome the difficulties together and learn on hero’s example how to avoid such things in their real everyday lives. The sufferings and fall of a hero, arousing feelings of pity and fear through catharsis, purges the audiences of those emotions, to transform them into good human beings and good citizens. Such empathy allows a reader both to sympathize more with a character, as flaws are what make use human.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
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Buy Art Paper Buy Art Paper In modern world of markets and competition various custom writing companies and agencies offer services of essay writing and editing. Colorful advisements and effective advertisement campaigns make many students buy art paper. This article is written to give 5 common tips on how to buy Chinese art paper, Greek art essay, or any other art paper and receive a good art essay. Be attentive. Before you press â€Å"Buy Art Paper†button, make sure you know who is the writer of your paper. Many companies promise unique college paper writing services and hire writers from 3rd world countries. To buy professional art paper, ask only American writers to work on your art essay. Read money back guarantee policy. When you buy art paper, reading money back policy of the company may save your money. On the art essay writing market, many companies offer false services and are especially designed to steal your money. Ask about the location of the company. If you buy art paper from international essay writing company, you can forget about your money in case of a refund. Please, make sure that you are ordering college paper or art essay from a US-based agency. Otherwise, you risk becoming a victim of a fraud. Open Pricing page first. Some essay writing companies practice hidden prices, which means that the price for your art essay may increase, while the writer is working on it. When you buy art paper, contact support team members to find out about this question. Check your art essay for plagiarism. Make sure you check your college paper with free plagiarism detection systems after you actually buy art paper. Remember that many custom writing agencies use to cheat and deliver already used versions of the papers. If you follow this tips when you buy art paper, even Chinese art paper, you can be 100 % sure that you will be satisfied with your college paper. Buy art paper and spend your time preparing to the other classes. Our professional writers will not only follow your instructions, but also upload original and professional art paper or thesis in art. Moreover, each essay is double check by our plagiarism detection systems.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Sexual Harassment Is A Form Of Sex Discrimination
Section One: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title Vll of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. AAUW, describes sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of nature. (Know Your Rights at Work: Workplace Sexual Harassment: AAUW, n.d.) The Title Vll is a federal law in which prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. You would of think that with this law people will not have to face any sexual discrimination in a work setting , but unfortunately that is not the case. Sexual harassment has three different forms that may appear in a working environment such as verbal, visual, or physical. â€Å"Verbal Sexual harassment refers to sexually suggestive remarks, or obscene or insulting sounds. It includes unwelcome and offensive names or terms of endearment such as ‘honey bun’ or ‘boobsy’. â€Å"(The Aware Sub Committee, 2008) Some examples of this type of sexual harassment include: Cat calls, kissing sounds, calling someone honey, whistling at someone, and etc. Then there is Visual Sexual harassment is when either someone is exposing their private parts or is simply staring at another person’s body in a way that can cause discomfort. (The Aware Sub Committe, 2008) Examples of these are unwanted looks, unacceptable gestures, nude calendars in employees office, emails, and text messages. Lastly, PhysicalShow MoreRelatedEssay on Same Sex Harassment1650 Words  | 7 PagesSame Sex Harassment Imagine that you are in the shower of the gym at work and three co-workers enter, then hold you down to the ground while rubbing their genitalia across your bare skin. No matter what the circumstance you would find this behavior appalling and disgusting. Now think to yourself if every person involved had been a male. Would you say that they were just horsing around? I hope not. The attitude of American society and legal culture regarding sexual harassment has changedRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace Essay1371 Words  | 6 PagesIn recent years, there has been an increase in the attention given to sexual harassment at the work place. Unnecessary and unwanted sexual attention between women and men in the workplace has been there for a very long time in the past. For many years, this unwanted sexual attention has been categorized as a natural form of male/female interaction. However, this has changed as women have become more involved in organizations. Thoughts and feelings about the acceptability of this behavior are rapidlyRead MoreDiscrimination And Sexual Harassment And Affirmative Action1594 Words  | 7 PagesDiscrimination and Sexual Harassment Most companies engage in some type of affirmative action policy. Affirmative actions are policies that are placed to engage in the improvement of underprivileged groups who either currently suffer or have historically suffered from discrimination and equality of opportunity. During our lecture, Dr. Kallfelz stated that affirmative action is a, â€Å"Proactive policy with primary immediate attempt to reform (and long term attempt to prevent and deter) socioeconomicallyRead MoreDiscrimination Within The Workplace, Race, Religion, National Origin And Disabilities1372 Words  | 6 PagesDiscrimination in the workplace comes in many forms: age, sex, race, religion, national origin and disabilities. All of these are in protected groups by law. The text Business Ethics defines job discrimination as occurring when (1) an employment decision in some way harms or disadvantages an employee or job applicant; (2) the decision based on a person’s membership in a certain group, rather than on individual merit; and (3) the decision rests on prejudice, false stereotypes, or the assumptionRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace990 Words  | 4 Pagesyou are friends with your coworkers. But what happens when coworkers talk about other coworkers in a sexual context. Two male coworkers talking about female staff where coworkers in the area can hear. Your manager suggests that they can help you earn a promotion if you go out with them. This puts employees in awkward situations where they might not know if this is considered sexual harassment. If it is, an employee maybe unsure what to do about it. According to the U.S. Equal Employment OpportunityRead MoreThe Civil Rights Act Of 19641078 Words  | 5 Pageshe violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.†(Kant, n.d.). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 includes prohibition of sex discrimination which includes sexual harassment and hostile work environ ment. An example will be used to help define the law that is relevant to sexual harassment and hostile work environments, along with describing the facts of the case. A view on current lessons learned and any new thoughts learned while conducting research willRead MoreWorkplace Discrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination1588 Words  | 7 Pagestreat others with prejudice because of particular features they possess. Unfortunately, prejudice and discrimination occur even in places which, by definition, should be free of all personal prejudices – specifically, in offices and other business surroundings. This tragedy is called workplace discrimination; not every unfair behavior at work, however, can be assessed as discrimination. Discrimination in the workplace happens when an employee experiences unfair treatment due to their race, gender, ageRead MoreGender Harassment And The Workplace1465 Words  | 6 PagesEvery work industry around the world has numerous discrim inations afoot, but many studies have been conducted that highlight challenges faced specifically by women in the workplace. Women face many uphill battles to include differences in pay levels compared with male counterparts; the balance of full-time compared to part-time employment; and the occupational echelons at which women are typically employed. The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) reported that â€Å"women remain disadvantaged comparedRead MoreDiscrimination And Gender Discrimination957 Words  | 4 PagesDiscrimination simply means to differentiate between two or more people, in such a way as to restrict rights. The law view discrimination as distinguishing, separating, differentiating, unequally treating people which, being equal, must be treated with the same degree (Gidro and Gidro. 2016.p65). Harassment and sexual harassment, common forms for discriminations, are actions that go against the principle of gender equality and are described as discriminatory on the b asis of gender. Harassment, aRead MoreRape and Sexual Harassment: The Intersectional Experiences of Racism and Sexism for Minorities1488 Words  | 6 PagesRape and sexual harassment are both two common forms of sexual violence prevalent in the United States. Although both events can happen to men, women are more prone to face these occurrences. According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, â€Å"78% of the victims of rape and sexual assault are women and 22% are men†(â€Å"Domestic Violence Statistics†). In 2011, companies experienced sexual harassment charges at 11% in relation to all charges brought forth to businesses, and 16% of these charges
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Questions On Law School Profile - 1753 Words
Law School Profile School Name: Boston University School of Law By: Lucey Knight Contents: âž ¢ Overview âž ¢ Rankings and reputation âž ¢ Admissions âž ¢ Grading System âž ¢ Awards âž ¢ Honors âž ¢ Placement facts âž ¢ Externships âž ¢ Internships âž ¢ Clinical programs âž ¢ Moot court âž ¢ Journals âž ¢ Notable alumni âž ¢ In the news Established 1872 Mailing address: 765 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215 Phone: 617-353-3112 Website:: Student-faculty ratio: 12:0:1 Number of students enrolled: 836 Acceptance rate: 34.9% Bar passage rate (first-time test takers): 73% Law school cost (tuition and fees): $38,266 Overview: As a prestigious law school, Boston University School of Law offers a curriculum across the spectrum taught by†¦show more content†¦The supportive and collegiate student environment encourages individuality and civic engagement. Rankings and Reputation: Boston University School of Law places 27th in the country’s best law schools. It’s Health Law and Tax Law programs come in 5th and the Intellectual Property Law program comes in 10th. Boston University Law is ranked 12th by the Journal of Legal Education for â€Å"Where Big Firm Partners Went to Law School.†It also ranks 21st in an annual survey of number of graduates currently working in top U.S. law firms. Admissions: With a broad spectrum of students, the most recent class was made of up students coming from 32 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, 16 countries, and 124 colleges for undergraduate studies. BU admissions are very selective. Just a mere 34.5% of the 4,584 applicants were admitted into the school. Admission criteria LSAT GPA 25th-75th Percentile 161-166 3.44-3.77 Median 165 3.67 Grading System: An A-F scale is used for most credit-bearing courses at Boston University. In order to maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP), students must keep a minimum 3.0 GPA each semester. Students with a semester GPA below 3.0 and a GPA of below 2.7 in core classes will be subject to academic review. SPH candidates must have at least a 3.0 GPA at SPH in order to graduate. Awards: G. Joseph Tauro Distinguished Scholars G. Joseph Tauro Scholars Paul J. Liacos Distinguished Scholars Paul J. Liacos
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
facilitate group effectiveness Essay - 13244 Words
CU2948 Facilitate the Development of Effective Group Practice in Health and Social Care or Children and Young People’s Settings 1.1 Analyse the impact of theories and models on group work practice Groups may be defined in many ways, indeed providing an absolute definition of a group, as with much of the theory around group work, is highly problematic and contestable. However for the purposes of discussing groupwork within a context of working with young people we may define a group as a small gathering of young people. Group work may simplistically be described as the study and application of the processes and outcomes experienced when a small group comes together. Konopka (1963) defines groupwork as a method of social work that is†¦show more content†¦For example both the YAM and PTV groups I had experience with were set up to encourage social interaction and personal development. Having an awareness of group stage theory enabled my colleagues and myself to structure the early encounters for the groups to be; a) fun and enjoyable – to encourage continued attendance; b) relaxed - offering the promotion of effective communication and allowing members to get to know each other a little whilst gaining in confidence and trust. To this end ice breakers, introduction and communication exercisers such as those provided by Brandes and Phillips (1979), Bond (1986), Leech and Wooster (1986) and Dearling and Armstrong (1994) were used. As Dynes describes `[games] stimulate the imagination, make people resourceful and help develop social ability and co-operation` (Dynes, 1990). Stage 2: Storming This stage sees group members begin to confront each other as they begin to vie for roles within the group that will help them to belong and to feel valued. Thus as members begin to assert their individual personalities, the comfort of the forming stage begins to come under siege. Members experience personal, intra and inter group conflicts. Aggression and resentment may manifest in this stage and thus if strong personalities emerge and leadership is unresponsive to group and individual needs, the situation may become destructive to theShow MoreRelatedOperational Audit1064 Words  | 5 PagesNATURE OF OPERATIONAL AUDIT †¢ Also known as management audits and performance audits. †¢ Conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and/or efficiency of operations. †¢ Examinations of all or part of an entity to determine the degree of its operational efficiency, effectiveness and economy. †¢ Also refers to the auditor’s study of business operations for the purpose of making recommendations about economic and efficient use of resource, effective achievement of business objectivesRead MoreCertified Registered Nurse Anesthetists ( Crnas )1338 Words  | 6 Pagessupervision for anesthesia care provided by CRNAs is rooted in financial reimbursement. Cost effectiveness is the driving force behind why some institutions elect one model over the other (Hogan, Seifert, Moore, Simonson, 2010). Each model yields it own level of autonomy and cost effectiveness, with the CRNA-only model being most conducive to full practice capabilities for CRNAs. With the emergence of MDA-mega groups this may compromise CRNA autonomy in large-scale facilities and throughout the countryRead MoreDecision Support Systems in Organizational Decision Making800 Words  | 4 PagesSupport Systems (DSS) help with time management. All groups of DSS enhance reduced time circle involved in the decision making process. At, DSS enhance the productivity of employees and facilitate timely acquisition of information that is necessary for the decision making process. DSS facilitate enhanced interpersonal communication among those responsible for decision making. Communication-Driven Decision Support Systems and Group Decision Support Systems lead in more lubricated communicationRead MoreCarl E. Jr. Katz And Frank M. J. Lafasto827 Words  | 4 Pagesfrom a hierarchy to a heterarchy approach, where there is a lateral decision-making rather than vertical decision-making. To lead a team, one must have a process in place to facilitate orderly and effective decision-making. Origin of Theory Carl E. Larson and Frank M. J. LaFasto pioneered the understanding of effectiveness as it relates to leadership teams. Carl E. Larson served for more than four decades as a teacher or trainer in the area of teamwork, negotiation, conflict resolution and variousRead MoreUsing Shared Group Work Tools683 Words  | 3 PagesHow People Use Shared Group work Tools: Shared group work tools can be described as any information processing initiatives involving coordinated activities of individuals separated in time and/or space and sharing their common information in the cloud. 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The Proctor s Goals Essay - 863 Words
Corrissa Proctor’s Goals essay Goals are a part of everyday life. From gaining the strength to get out of bed in the morning to winning that blue medal around your neck, everybody has made a goal once in their life. Sometimes it can be as easy as saying you’re not going to eat that last cupcake on the platter in front of you or as hard as saying â€Å"Hello†to that special someone in your life that you find adorable, either way you have made a goal. It’s also important to remember there is short term goals and long term goals. Short term goals are easier to achieve and can be very helpful in leading up to your long term goals. We can even classify our goals into personal goals, academic goals, and professional goals, as well as others. Whether we like to believe it goals play an important part in our lives. They keep us on track with what we want to accomplish in life. Some of my biggest goals were made as a child and others where just by surprise. However now I have much different goals set for myself. I have three main goals that can be separated into a personal, professional, and academic area. A personal goal is to become a great runner and roll model. A professional goal of mine is to become a nurse to help others in need and finally, my academic goal is to get a 3.5 GPA and graduate college. All these goals can be accomplished with hard work and dedication just like any other goal in life. We all want to strive for the best and sometimes we need smaller goals to helpShow MoreRelatedDramatic Irony in the Crucible862 Words  | 4 PagesEnglish 10, essay The Crucible, option 2 In â€Å"The Crucible†, Arthur Miller uses dramatic irony to create anxiety, frustration and to demonstrate the tension between the people about the lies of witchcraft in Salem. I. The author creates tension in the story by using Abigail who accuses innocent people of witchery. 1.) Abigail wants Elizabeth to get hanged so she can be back with John again. 2.) Abigail turns herself against Mary Warren after she confessed in court. II. The author createsRead MoreProduct Market Analysis : Procter And Gamble Essay1089 Words  | 5 Pagesoverall brand strategy and innovations with new product and upgrades, along with marketing plans. Proctor and Gamble customers include merchandisers such as stores, grocery stores, drug stores, membership clubs, department stores and salon distributors with their e-commerce sites. Procter and Gamble is responsible for developing and executing a market plan at local levels by utilizing the Company s Sales and Market Operations (SMO). (Thomson Reuters) The SMO includes the retail customer trade andRead MoreIdentity Management, Concepts, And Definitions1734 Words  | 7 Pages(1) The Topic: Identity Management, Concepts, and Definitions What is Identity Management? In sociological terms it is communication strategy which is goal-oriented. 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Main aspectsRead MoreSalem Witch Trials and Thesis Statement2226 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿The Crucible Essay Assignment For your essay on The Crucible, please write a five paragraph, analytical essay in which you respond to one of the following prompts. 1. Although The Crucible revolves around the Salem Witch Trials, it allows readers to examine many themes. Choose a theme from The Crucible and discuss how it is developed throughout the play. How does this theme reveal the play’s deeper meaning? 2. The Crucible is a play of conflicts. Analyze a major conflict from The CrucibleRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 2138 Words  | 9 Pages Crucible Character Essay - John Proctor #6 In Arthur Miller’s â€Å"The Crucible†the protagonist is a man by the name of John Proctor. Proctor is a very complex character because he doesn t have the cleanest history. He is a man in about his forties who had committed the sin of cheating on his wife with a young girl. This act of his gives a bad first impression to the reader. Proctor however does try to become a better man and do the right thing to save his wife s life, which changes feelingsRead MoreFor and Against CBT4064 Words  | 17 Pagesagainst one of the subject areas raised in the issues and debates sessions For and Against Cognitive Behavioural therapy Student number: C7017417 Tutor: Kay McFarlane Words: 3834 May 2013 Introduction The aims of this essay are to critically evaluate the arguments for and against Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). I will explore the theory of CBT comparing it to other approaches and the strengths and limits of the approach. I will then focus on the therapeutic relationshipRead MoreThe Role Of Budgeting And Its Problems1911 Words  | 8 Pageswell-run businesses. 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Task Answer each of the following questions as a separate section in your essay. Remember that your response to each question is to be more than an impression, but rather is to beRead MoreThe Rhetorical Analysis Of A Heros Journey 1207 Words  | 5 PagesCollege Abstract In society today, consumerism is a major component in the lives of not only Americans, but around the world. People are constantly looking for the next best thing to replace the things they already have. The purpose of this essay is to break down consumerism by using rhetorical analysis on the commercial for Kia’s new crosstrek, the Niro. This commercial relies heavily on the appeal to humor by having unrealistic, comedic actions. Along with humor, it establishes credibility
Frank Mccourt Angela’s Ashes Free Essays
In this hard world where winning is more important than participating you would sometimes almost forget to be generous from time to time. But when I read Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt I got a completely different view on generosity and the importance of it. This memoir is about the miserable Irish Catholic childhood of the writer. We will write a custom essay sample on Frank Mccourt: Angela’s Ashes or any similar topic only for you Order Now And I think that after this essay you will see that acts of generosity can make the lives of the poor better and that those people afterwards can also help other poor people. Firstly, it were rough times for the McCourt family. Dad -Malachy- was drinking the dole, the family lived in a bad house and children kept dying. The only way the McCourt’s could keep their heads above water was getting help from others. One thing that helped them in their struggle for survival was the St. Vincent the Paul Society. On page 79 they get help for the first time. I quote â€Å"The man in the middle says he’s giving Mam a docket to get a week’s groceries at McGrath’s shop on Parnell Street. There will be tea, sugar, flour, milk, butter and a separate docket for a bag of coal from Sutton’s coal yard on the Dock road. In my opinion this is generous because I think that generosity means to help someone without gaining profit from it yourself and the St. Vincent de Paul Society doesn’t get anything back for this. That this gift of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is very helpful for the McCourt’s is confirmed by this â€Å"Mam wipes her face at the back of her sleeve and takes the docket. She tells the men, God bless you for your kindness†(page 79). Even though they get some support from the St. Vincent de Paul Society the McCourt family didn’t have enough to be very happy or to not have hunger. Therefore it is very good that others also helped the family sometimes. Another gift that I found generous was that some shopkeepers also gave food to the family for free. â€Å"A few shopkeepers give bread, potatoes, tins of beans†¦ †(page 90). This, in my opinion, is very generous because those shops are there to make profit and handing out food isn’t profitable for them at all. It’s however very helpful for the McCourt’s. Further on in the book you can also read that Angela could also get credit at Kathleen O’Connell’s shop. Mam says she can now pay off the few pounds that she owes at Kathleen O’Connell’s shop†¦ †(page 133). Of course you could say this isn’t real generosity because Mam has to pay the money back, but I think it is quite generous to give credit to a family that doesn’t have a steady income. Secondly, when Frank is a little older –at the age when he can start working- you can discover a different kind of generosity. The kind of generosity that is more like giving a fishing rod instead of a fish. The first time when you will encounter this type of generosity is when Aunt Aggie buys the new clothes for Frank for his job as a telegram boy. â€Å"She takes me to Roche’s Stores and buys me a shirt, a gansey, a pair of short pants, two pairs of stockings and a pair of summer shoes on sale. She gives me two shillings to have tea and a bun for my birthday. She gets on the bus to go back up O’Connell Street too fat and lazy to walk. Fat and lazy, no son of her own, and still she buys me the clothes for my new job†(page 392). I think this is generosity because he now has a suit in which he of course will make a better impression at his new job and he can start making money of his own. In my interpretation Frank appreciated this gift very much because he even cries from happiness â€Å"I turn towards Arthur’s Quay with the package of new clothes under my arm and I have to stand at the edge of the River Shannon so that the whole world won’t see the tears of a man the day he’s fourteen†(page 392). Then after a while he gets fired because he has to deliver a telegram to Mr. Harrington, but he gets falsely accused for stealing ham and sherry. Because of a generous deed of the parish priest he gets his job back. â€Å"She gets a letter from the parish priest. Take the boy back, says the parish priest. Oh, yes father, indeed, says the post office†(page 416). Then when he delivers a telegram to Mrs. Brigid Finucane she asked Frank if he can write letters to her costumers to give her back the money she had leant them. This job yielded him some extra money, so his trip to America came closer and closer. She says, I’ll give you threepence for every letter you write and another threepence if it brings a payment†(page 418). I think it’s very generous from Mrs. Finucane to give this job because it brings Frank closer to his target, going to America. Because of all these acts of generosity towards the McCourt’s and especially Frank McCourt they aren’t the poorest of the poorest. Because they aren’t you can discover some acts of generosity from Frank himself. One generous gesture by him was that he gave his raisin away. I wanted the raisin for myself but I saw Paddy Clohessy standing in the corner with no shoes and the room was freezing and he was shivering like a dog that had been kicked and I always felt sad over kicked dogs so I walked over and gave Paddy the raisin†(page 148). I think it’s very generous to give your food away to someone that has it even worse than you even if you don’t have much yourself. The quote says that Paddy has no shoes. Without acts of generosity towards Frank he probably wouldn’t have them either, so he would have probably eaten the raisin himself. Something else happens much later in the book and that is that Frank throws Mrs. Finucanes’ ledger in the Shannon. This means that a lot of people don’t have to pay her back. †Aunt Aggie’s name is in the ledger. She owes nine pounds. It might have the money she spent on my clothes a long time ago but now she’ll never have to pay it because I heave the ledger into the river†In my opinion this is a very clear act of generosity because he helps a lot of poor people with this. This is maybe a bit like Robin Hood even. Finally, now we have had a look at how acts of generosity changes the course of events and of lives I think we can conclude that generosity can really change the life of some people. Wouldn’t the McCourt family have died from starvation without generosity? Would Frank McCourt have ever gone to America without generosity? Would Frank have ever been generous to others without generosity from others? I would answer no on all these questions. I also think that generosity leads to more generosity. I hope you will understand this when you look at the last paragraph, because Frank is generous because others have been generous to him. How to cite Frank Mccourt: Angela’s Ashes, Papers
Human Suffering Essay Example For Students
Human Suffering Essay Human SufferingMy great-grandmother passed away last month. She was an unbelievable woman who carried a special place in my heart. It was hard to handle the anguish I felt when I first heard about her death. Her passing left me with an empty feeling inside. The sad, empty, and painful feeling I sensed was my suffering. Human Suffering is a hard concept to grasp, but suffering is a part of everyones lives, not just mine. Everyone experiences a form of human suffering at one point or another in their lives. In order to put the misery behind, one must deal and cope with the cause. Blame, vengeance, God and positive outlooks help humans reconcile with the pain of suffering. Human suffering is the pain and sadness one feels inside when something bad has happened to her or someone close to her. There are two types of suffering: one is caused by another person, and the other type is caused by human nature (Gillman 187). Suffering caused by another person involves crimes and deceitful actions: A person inflicts pain on another person, either internally or externally, causing them and their family agony. An example of this is when a person murders someone else; the murderer creates the suffering for the victims family and friends. The murderer took the life of a loved one away, creating an enormous amount of suffering. A group or agency can cause suffering; cutting governmental funding also exemplifies suffering created by a person or group of people. When the government decides to take money out of a certain program, many people lose their jobs and do not get the care they need. Taking from the AIDS clinics, for example, leaves the patients in the clinics h elpless. Although the government tries not to look deceitful, they eventually do look devious because so many people are left with no where to go. The selfish works of the government leaves families and friends of the victims of governmental cuts suffer as well. The family suffers knowing the person with AIDS will eventually die with no clinic support. The other type of suffering is caused by nature. Natural forces create suffering that man cannot control. An example would be an accident caused by an earthquake. The Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 killed family members and co-workers. No one could have predicted the earthquake would be that powerful. The earthquake destroyed weak buildings and caused injuries among the people in the buildings. The act of human nature caused many families and friends to suffer. Loved ones and good friends died from freak accidents like a freeway or building collapsing. Businesses also suffered when they lost their employees and buildings in the 1989 earthquake. To reconcile and deal with suffering, most people place the blame of an incident on another person, relieving themselves of any responsibility. When the situation that creates suffering is produced by another person, such as a homicide, the blame is easily placed upon that individual. Taking that person to court is the next step towards taking a persons mind off of the suffering. The person suffering will want to make sure that the murderer suffers as well. When anguish is due to natural disasters or diseases, in which man physically could not control, the blame is not directly pointed towards an obvious target. Most times people will look at the people that were involved before the incident and blame those people. Blame can be directed towards the architect of a building that collapsed or a doctor of a sick patient who died. People put the blame on others so they do not feel responsible for their own suffering. .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 , .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 .postImageUrl , .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 , .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299:hover , .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299:visited , .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299:active { border:0!important; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299:active , .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299 .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u643aae392762c6f248ad1dcb6ac8e299:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The prevalence of breast cancer among black women EssayVengeance constitutes another way people deal with suffering. Often times seeking revenge is not as constructive as the other forms of coping, but it still relieves the pain of the initial sufferer. Payback helps the original sufferers by redistributing the agony to other people. Taking an individual to court exemplifies revenge. After a person kills a family member, that family of the dead person will want the murderer to go to jail for her actions. The family will want the murderer to suffer more than they already have. The law and court system is most commonly used when a person is seeking vengeance on another perso n. There is larger scale revenge that starts out with small-scale revenge, but then turns into a larger mess. The small-scale vengeance starts out with a more one-on-one approach. Then it turns into a larger scale vengeance when the initial revenge angers more people. Almost everyone in the situation is suffering while they are trying to barter for happiness by giving the pain to others. September 11, 2001 marked a day that no one will forget. The Taliban, through Osama Bin Ladens beliefs, destroyed the World Trade Center buildings. America has come together since then to seek revenge against the Taliban and Bin Laden by sending troops into Afghanistan. This battle, like any battle, has killed innocent bystanders. By fighting, however, Americans feel the Afghanistanians are suffering for what the people from their country have done to the people of United States. The small group vengeance may have turned into a large group vengeance, but at least coping is accomplished by switching the agony from one group to another. Americans feel more at ease with the tragedy by knowing some of the murderers from Afghanistan are suffering for their actions. Achieving revenge makes the person suffering feel as if they found justice, even if they made the situation worse for other people. Coping with the pain and suffering is also achieved by turning towards religion and God for help, as well as looking at the positive aspects of the situation. Church is a place a person goes after a loved one dies or something bad has happened to her. People go to church because it is believed to be a place where, not only can you ask God questions about why the bad event happened, but also it is a place where you can try to reconnect with person who has died. This place is called the thin places (Gomez 402). These thin places are a comforting place to seek help with coping. God is a comforter in ones times of need at these thin places, even if one is not normally religious. People turn to religion to seek answers. Peter Gomez writes, He is religious because he wanted to make sense of what he was experiencing, pain and all, and on his own and by himself he could not (402) Although people do not get direct answers, God and the bible give anecdotes to why certain things may happen to p eople. God is seen as an almighty supporter. Abraham Heschel says that God even suffers with us at every loss (Gillman 209). God feels the pain others do when a family member dies or a natural disaster kills thousands of people. The people on earth are all Gods creations. When one of Gods creations dies, he mourns the loss of one of his own. When someone suffers, often times, in an attempt to relieve pain, she also tries to see the optimistic side of suffering and analyze what positive outcomes have resulted from the situation. When a loved one has passed away and died, many people take assurance in believing the person who died will be going to heaven, thinking she is in a better place. The idea of heaven gives people comfort, knowing their family member or friend will be in the ideal location, with God, making sure the deceased will be safe. For example, when a persons possessions are taken away from her, she can be optimistic, recognizing she still has her health or that she was not in the house at the time of the robbery because she could have been killed as well. When a person thinks of worse circumstances, there is relief that harsher suffering was not gained. Being optimistic can help one realize that her suffering is not as bad as it could have been. .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 , .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 .postImageUrl , .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 , .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451:hover , .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451:visited , .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451:active { border:0!important; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451:active , .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451 .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u32db1bb28f14c5ad0d3e531b84b89451:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The real monster EssayFeeling sad and empty inside is not my idea of fun. I was indignant when my great-grandmother died. After her death, I had blamed the doctors for not trying hard enough to revive her from her heart attack. It just was not fair that the medical staff gave up so easily. Then, I went to church more, and I asked God why this happened. I realized it was her time to move on and her time to go to heaven. Looking at the positive aspects really helped me cope with my loss. Suffering can be difficult to deal with but through religious coping, blaming others, seeking vengeance and looking on the bright side, it can be done, trust me. Bibliography1.Gillman, Neil. Sacred Fragments: Recovering Theology for the Modern Jew. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society, 1990. 2. Gomes, Peter. The Bible and Suffering. Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum. Behrens, Laurence and Leonard J. Rosen. New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc, 2000. 3. Neiman, David. An Introduction to Job. Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum. Behrens, Laurence and Leonard J. Rosen. New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc, 2000.
Friday, April 24, 2020
American Literature Short Story Flashcard
American Literature Short Story
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Sample College Transfer Essay Headers
Sample College Transfer Essay HeadersIf you are in the process of preparing a college transfer essay, it is important to include a sample college transfer essay header. This will make it easier for your professor to assess your essay and provide a review.When taking classes to earn a college degree, students can often find themselves overwhelmed by the amount of work that they have to accomplish. The number of assignments, tests, and research papers that are required may cause students to become exhausted. With this in mind, it is important to take extra time to prepare and ensure that each student is ready for the final grade. Students must make sure to take care of some basic things, which include making sure that the college transcript includes a separate notation for the course they took and also that a grade of 'W'S' has been assigned to the student.As far as the academic record goes, it is important to keep track of any colleges and universities that the student has attended du ring their undergraduate career. A common practice for many students is to keep a copy of their transcript. Some schools have provided the option for students to submit a transcript with a 'paper' attached to them, which is a great way to complete an assignment, but this option is only given to students who are also taking a college course.When preparing a college transfer essay, it is important to include a sample college transfer essay header. This will make it easier for your professor to assess your essay and provide a review. While it is important to make sure that your professor is able to assess your essay, it is even more important to ensure that your instructor does not see the draft. By including a sample college transfer essay header, it will make it easier for your professor to write his or her own personal endorsement.A good college transfer essay header will always include your name, date of birth, and major. By including this information, your professor will be able t o see that you are completely dedicated to your studies and that you will do your best in your course.If your college essay is going to be submitted to a writing contest, then your header should contain the contest name. This will allow your professor to see that you are serious about your college education and it will make it easier for your professor to assign your essay. Also, your professor will be able to tell when you have written an essay which is unlike other essays he or she has seen.For students who are preparing for and taking a pre-medical college transfer essay, the header should contain the name of the pre-med school and the class that you are taking. It is very important to make sure that you will be able to write an essay on this topic as well as another related topic. Your professor will be able to judge how much you are already dedicated to your studies and how well you have prepared yourself for your course.There are many types of headers that can be used to help prepare a college essay. To find the right one, it is important to make sure that you do some research and find a quality header which is unique and personal. Make sure that your college essay does not only reflect your personality, but also reflects the qualities that you possess.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay Essays
The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay Essays The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay Paper The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay Paper Introduction As an archipelago. the Philippines is surrounded with H2O. It ranks 4th with the longest coastline in the universe mensurating 36. 289 kilometer ( 22. 559 stat mis ) while its H2O country covers 1. 830 sq kilometer ( The World Factbook ) . The country’s H2O resources have played a important function in its development. However. some development attempts. combined with the lifting demands of the ever-increasing population. have caused harm to these H2O resources. In response. a jurisprudence was signed to â€Å"pursue a policy of economic growing in a mode consistent with the protection. saving and resurgence of the quality of our fresh. brackish and marine waters†( Section 2 ) . Republic Act ( R. A. ) No. 9275 titled â€Å"An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Water Quality Management and for Other Purposes†. besides known as the Filipino Clean Water Act of 2004 ( CWA ) . was signed by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on March 22. 2004. It took consequen ce on May 6. 2004. with its Implementing Rules and Regulation ( IRR ) contained in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( DENR ) Administrative Order ( A. O. ) No. 2005-10. Coverage The jurisprudence applies to H2O quality direction in all H2O organic structures. It chiefly applies to the suspension and control of pollution from land-based beginnings. The H2O quality criterions and ordinances and the civil liability and penal commissariats under the jurisprudence shall be enforced irrespective of beginnings of pollution ( Section 3 ) . In add-on to modulating pollution of H2O organic structures. DENR shall explicate and use criterions for the conveyance and disposal of wastewater. sewerage and septage offsite. whether offshore or on land every bit good as disposal of single effluent on land. The Department of Agriculture ( DA ) shall develop guidelines for re-use of effluent for irrigation intents or as dirt conditioner or fertiliser ( Rule 3. 1 ) . Institutional mechanism The Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( DENR ) . as the primary bureau responsible for the execution of the CWA. shall take the lead in the readying. execution. and enforcement of the followers ( Rule 19 ) : National H2O quality position study – this study shall place ( a ) the location of H2O organic structures. their quality. taking into history seasonal. tidal and other fluctuations. bing and possible utilizations and beginnings of pollution per specific pollutant and pollution burden appraisal ; ( B ) H2O quality direction countries. and H2O categorization ( Rule 19. 1 ) . Integrated Water Quality Management Framework ( IWQMF ) – this may incorporate. but non limited to the followers: ( a ) appraisal of policies and institutional agreements and capacities relevant to H2O quality direction including the scheme of degeneration to LGUs ; ( B ) direction schemes ; ( degree Celsius ) sustainable funding schemes ; and ( vitamin D ) public presentation monito ring ( Rule 19. 2 ) . Water Quality Management Area ( WQMA ) Action Plan for each WQMA – includes. but non limited to. the undermentioned: ( a ) ends and marks including sewage or septage plan. ( B ) agenda of conformity to run into the applicable demands of this Act ; ( degree Celsius ) H2O pollution control strategies or techniques ; ( vitamin D ) H2O quality information and instruction plan ; e ) resource demand and possible beginnings ; degree Fahrenheits ) enforcement processs of the program and ( g ) wagess and inducements ( Rule 19. 3 ) Groundwater exposure mapping- the DENR through the Mines and Geosciences Bureau ( MGB ) shall print a national groundwater exposure map ( regulation 19. 4 ) . which means the identified countries of the land surface where groundwater quality is most at hazard from human activities and shall reflect the different grades of groundwater exposure based on a scope of dirt belongingss and hydro geological standards to function as usher in the protection of the grou ndwater from taint ( Section 4 T ) . Water quality guidelines – these shall reflect the latest scientific cognition on the undermentioned affairs: ( a ) effects of pollutants on public wellness. biological diverseness. aquatic life. productiveness and stableness. including information on the factors impacting rates of eutrophication and rates of organic and inorganic deposit for changing types of waterways. bio-accumulation of chemicals ; ( B ) concentration and dispersion of pollutants including of course happening pollutants in extremely mineralized countries. through physical. chemical and biological procedures ; pollution burden may besides be used together with the concentration strategy ; and ( degree Celsius ) good utilizations of the receiving H2O organic structure ( Rule 19. 5 ) . Effluent criterions – means any legal limitation or restriction on measures. rates. and/or concentrations or any combination thereof. of physical. chemical or biological parametric quantities of wastewater which a individual or point beginning is allowed to dispatch into a organic structure of H2O or land ( Section 4 N ) . Procedures for trying and analysis of pollutants – the DENR shall follow alternate internationally recognized trial processs for trying and analysis of pollutants ( Rule 19. 7 ) . Accreditation system of research labs – the DENR. in coordination with DOST. DTI. DOH. and other concerned bureaus. academia. professional associations. and private sector. shall explicate. maintain. and pull off a system of accreditation for research labs ( Rule 19. 8 ) . Classs of point and non-point beginnings – the DENR shall publish and print guidelines on the ( a ) designation and rating of the nature and extent of non-point beginnings of pollution ; and ( B ) processes. processs. and methods to command pollution ensuing at that place from ( Rule 19. 9 ) . Point beginning means any identifiable beginning of pollution with specific point of discharge into a peculiar H2O organic structure ( Section 4 aa ) . Non-point beginning – means any beginning of pollution non identifiable as point beginning to include. but non be limited to. overflow from irrigation or rainwater. which picks up pollutants from farms and urban countries ( subdivision 4 omega ) . Categorization of groundwater beginnings – The Environmental Management Bureau ( EMB ) of DENR shall organize with the NWRB and other relevant bureaus in the categorization of groundwater beginnings. ( Rule 19. 10 ) . Categorization and re-classification of H2O organic structures – All H2O organic structures shall be classified harmonizing to their possible good use. taking into history. among. others. the undermentioned: ( a ) bing quality of the organic structure of H2O ; ( B ) size. deepness. surface country covered. volume. way. rate of flow and gradient watercourse ; ( c ) most good existing and future usage of said organic structures of H2O and lands surrounding them. such as for residential. agricultural. aqua cultural. commercial. industrial. navigational. recreational. wildlife preservation and aesthetic intents ; and ( vitamin D ) exposure of surface and groundwater to taint from polluted and risky wastes. agricultural chemicals and belowground storage armored combat vehicles of crude oil merchandises ( Rule 19. 11 ) Information and airing runs – these cover the effects of H2O pollution on wellness and environment. H2O quality direction. and resource preservation and recovery to promote an environmentally action-oriented society in coordination with other authorities bureaus ( Section 19 N ) . On the other manus. the Local Government Units ( LGUs ) are responsible in the direction and betterment of H2O quality within their territorial legal powers. Each local authorities unit shall. through its Environment and Natural Resources Office ( ENRO ) established in Republic Act No. 7160. have the undermentioned powers and maps ( Section 20 ) : a ) Monitoring of H2O quality ; B ) Emergency response ;degree Celsius ) Conformity with the model of the Water Quality Management Action Plan ; vitamin D ) To take active engagement in all attempts refering H2O quality protection and rehabilitation ; and e ) To organize with other authorities bureaus and civil society and the concerned sectors in the execution of steps to forestall and command H2O pollution. Furthermore. the DENR and the LGUs. in coordination with the appropriate authorities bureaus. And in audience with the concern and industrial sectors including commercialism. shall explicate appropriate inducements for the acceptance procedures that will continue and protect our H2O organic structures through the debut of advanced equipment and processes that cut down if wholly extinguish discharge of pollutants into our H2O organic structures ( Section 21 ) . The Department and its concerned affiliated bureaus including the Laguna Lake Development Authority ( LLDA ) shall organize and come in into understanding with other authorities bureaus. industrial sector and other concerned sectors in the promotion of the aims of this Act- The undermentioned bureaus shall execute tile maps specified hereunder ( Section 22 ) : a ) Philippine Coast Guard in coordination with DA and the DENR shall implement for the enforcement of H2O quality criterions in marine Waterss. set pursuant to this Act. specifically from offshore beginnings ; B ) The Department of Public Works and Highways ( DPWH ) through its affiliated bureaus. such as the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System ( MWSS ) . Local Water Utilities Administration ( LWUA ) . and including other urban H2O public-service corporations for the proviso or sewage and sanitation installations and the efficient and safe aggregation. intervention and disposal of sewerage within their country of legal power ; degree Celsius ) the Department of Agriculture ( DA ) . shall organize with the DENR in the preparation of guidelines for the re-use of effluent for irrigation and other agricultural utilizations and for the bar. control and suspension of pollution from agricultural and aquaculture activities. the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources ( BFAR ) of the DA shall be chiefly responsible for the bar and control of H2O pollution for the development. direction and preservation of the piscaries and aquatic resources ; vitamin D ) The Department of Health ( DOH ) shall be chiefly responsible for the announcement. alteration and enforcement of imbibing H2O quality criterions ; e ) The Department of Science and Technology ( DOST ) . in coordination with the Department and other concerned bureaus. shall fix a plan for the rating. confirmation. development and public airing of pollution bar and cleaner production engineerings ; and f ) The Department of Education ( DepEd ) . Commission Higher Education ( CHED ) . Department of the Interior and Local Government ( DILG ) and Philippine Information Agency ( PIA ) shall help and organize with the Department in. the readying and execution of a comprehensive plan pursuant to the aims of this Act. The DENR. in coordination with the Departm ent of Science and Technology ( DOST ) . other concerned bureaus and academic research establishments. shall set up a national research and development plan for the bar and control of H2O pollution. As portion of said plan. the DOST shall carry on and advance the coordination and acceleration of research. probe. experiments. preparation. study and surveies associating to the causes. extent. bar and control of pollution among concerned authorities bureaus and research establishments ( Section 24 ) . National H2O quality direction fund A National Water Quality Management Fund to be administered by the DENR. in coordination with other concerned bureaus. as a particular history in the National Treasury. is established and to be used to finance the followers ( Section 9 ) : a ) Finance containment and clean-up operations of the authorities in H2O pollution instances ; B ) Guarantee Restoration of ecosystems and rehabilitation of affected countries ; degree Celsius ) Support research. enforcement and monitoring activities ; vitamin D ) Provide proficient aid to the implementing bureaus ; vitamin E ) Grant wagess and inducements ; degree Fahrenheit ) Support information and educational run ; and g ) Such other expenses made entirely for the bar. control or suspension of H2O pollution and direction and disposal of the direction countries in the sums authorized by the Department. In add-on. the Area Water Quality Management Fund is established for the care and care of the H2O organic structures in a H2O quality direction country. The fund shall be utilized for the grant of wagess and inducements for entities whose outflowing discharges are better than the H2O quality standards of the mark categorization of the having organic structure of H2O. loans for acquisitions and fixs of installations to cut down measure and better quality of effluent discharges. and regular care of the H2O organic structures within the direction country ( Section 10 ) . Water pollution licenses and charges A effluent charge system in all direction countries will be implemented. Effluent charges shall be established taking into consideration the followers ( Section 13 ) : a ) To supply strong economic incentive for defilers to modify their production or direction procedures or to put in pollution control engineering in order to cut down the sum of H2O pollutants generated ; B ) To cover the cost of administrating H2O quality direction or betterment plans ; degree Celsiuss ) Reflect amendss caused by H2O pollution on the environing environment. including the cost of rehabilitation ; vitamin D ) Type of pollutant ; vitamin E ) Categorization of the receiving H2O organic structure ; and degree Fahrenheit ) Other particular properties of the H2O organic structure. The discharge license. stipulating. among others. the measure and quality of wastewater that said installations are allowed to dispatch into a peculiar H2O organic structure. conformity agenda and monitoring demand shall be the legal mandate from the DENR to dispatch effluent ( Section 14 ) . Prohibited Acts of the Apostless The undermentioned Acts of the Apostless are herewith prohibited ( Section 27 ) : a ) Discharging. lodging or doing to be deposited stuff of any sort straight or indirectly into the H2O organic structures or along the borders of any surface H2O. where. the same shall be apt to be washed into such surface H2O. either by tide action or by storm. inundations or otherwise. which could do H2O pollution or hinder natural flow in the H2O organic structure ; b ) Discharging. injecting or leting to ooze into the dirt or sub-soil any substance in any signifier that would foul groundwater. degree Celsius ) Operating installations that discharge regulated H2O pollutants without the valid required licenses or after the license was revoked for any misdemeanor of any status therein ; vitamin D ) Disposal of potentially infective medical waste into sea H2O by vass unless the wellness or safety of persons on board the vas is threatened by a great and at hand hazard ; e ) Unauthorized conveyance or du mping into sea Waterss of sewerage sludge or solid waste as defined under Republic Act No. 9003 ; degree Fahrenheit ) Transport. dumping or discharge of forbidden chemicals. substances or pollutants listed under Republic Act No. 6969 ; g ) Operate installations that discharge or let to ooze. wilfully or through gross carelessness. forbidden chemicals. substances or pollutants listed under R. A. No. 6969 into H2O organic structures or wherein the same shall be apt to be washed into such surface. land. coastal. and marine H2O ; H ) Undertaking activities or development and enlargement of undertakings. or runing wastewater/sewerage installations in misdemeanor of Presidential Decree. No. 1586 and its implementing regulations. and ordinances ; I ) Dispatching regulated H2O pollutants without the valid required discharge license pursuant to this Act or after the license was revoked for any misdemeanor of status therein ; J ) Non-compliance of the LGU with the Water Quality Framework and Management Area Action Plan. In such a instance. countenances shall be imposed on the local authorities functionaries concerned ; K ) Refusal to let entry. review and monitoring by the Department in conformity with this Act ; cubic decimeter ) Refusal to let entree by the Department to relevant studies and records in conformity with this Act ; m ) Refusal or failure to subject studies whenever required by the Department in conformity with this Act ; n ) Refusal or failure to denominate pollution control officers whenever required by. the Department in conformity with this Act ; and o ) Directly utilizing supporter pumps in the distribution system or fiddling with the H2O supply in s uch a manner as to change or impair the H2O quality. Fines. amendss and punishments Fines. amendss and punishments to be filed by the DENR Secretary. upon the recommendation of the Pollution Adjudication Board ( PAB ) . include ( Section 28 ) : For any individual perpetrating any of the forbidden Acts of the Apostless or go againsting any of the proviso of the jurisprudence or its IRR – non less than Ten 1000 pesos ( P10. 000. 00 ) nor more than Two 100 thousand pesos ( P200. 000. 00 ) for every twenty-four hours of misdemeanor ( to be increased by 10 per centum ( 10 % ) every two ( 2 ) old ages to counterbalance for rising prices and to keep the deterrent map of such mulcts ) ; closing. suspension of development or building. or surcease of operations or. where appropriate disjunction of H2O supply. until such clip that proper environmental precautions are put in topographic point and/or conformity with this Act or its regulations and ordinances are undertaken. Failure to set about clean-up operations. wilfully. or through gross carelessness – imprison ment of non less than two ( 2 ) old ages and non more than four ( 4 ) old ages and a all right non less than Fifty thousand pesos ( P50. 000. 00 ) and non more than One hundred 1000 pesos ( P100. 000. 00 ) per twenty-four hours for each twenty-four hours of misdemeanor. Failure or refusal to set about clean-up operations which consequences in serious hurt or loss of life and/or irreversible H2O taint of surface. land. coastal and marine H2O – imprisonment of non less than six ( 6 ) old ages and one twenty-four hours and non more than 12 ( 12 ) old ages. and a mulct of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos ( P500. 000. 00 ) per twenty-four hours for each twenty-four hours during which the skip and/or taint continues. For gross misdemeanor ( includes: ( a ) deliberate discharge of toxic pollutants identified pursuant to Republic Act No. 6969 in toxic sums ; ( B ) five { 5 ) or more misdemeanors within a period of two ( 2 ) old ages ; or ( degree Celsius ) blatant neglect of the orders of the PAB. such as the non-payment of mulcts. breakage of seals or runing despite the being of an order for closing. discontinuation or surcease of operation ) – with a mulct of non less than Five 100 thousand pesos ( P500. 000. 00 ) but non more than Three million pesos ( P3. 000. 000. 00 } per twenty-four hours for each twenty-four hours of misdemeanor or imprisonment of non less than six { 6 ) old ages but non more than ten { 10 ) old ages. or both. at the discretion of the tribunal. For misdemeanors falling under Section 4 of Presidential Decree No. 979 – a mulct of non less than Fifty thousand pesos { P50. 000. 00 ) nor more than One million pesos ( P1. 000. 000. 00 ) or by imprisonment of non les s than one { 1 ) twelvemonth nor more than six ( 6 ) old ages or both. for each discourtesy. without bias to the civil liability of the wrongdoer in conformity with bing Torahs. Water pollution instances affecting Acts of the Apostless or skips - committed within the Laguna Lake Region shall be dealt with in conformity with the process under R. A. No. 4850 as amended. Repealed and amended Torahs The CWA repealed Presidential Decree No. 984 Supplying for the Revision of Republic Act No. 3931. Normally Known as the Pollution Control Law. and for Other Purposes. signed on August 18. 1976. On the other manus. the undermentioned Torahs are amended and modified consequently: Republic Act No. 6969 – An Act to Control Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes. Supplying Punishments for Violations Thereof. and for Other Purposes. signed on October 26. 1990 Republic Act No. 4850. as amended – An Act Making the Laguna Lake Development Authority. Ordering its Powers. Functions and Duties. Supplying Fundss Thereof. and for Other Purposes†signed on 18 July 1966. Presidential Decree No. 1586 – Establishing an Environmental Impact Statement System. Including Other Environmental Management Related Measures and for Other Purposes signed on June 11. 1978. Presidential Decree No. 1152 – Philippine Environmental Code signed on June 6. 1977 Presidential Decree No. 979 – Supplying for the Revision of Presidential Decree No. 600 Regulating Marine Pollution signed on August 18. 1976 Presidential Decree No. 856 – Code On Sanitation signed on December 23. 1975 Decision The Philippines is blessed with H2O resources. which have played a important function in its development. The CWA is one manner to safeguard these H2O resources. It provides countenances for those who will foul the H2O. The success of the CWA depends on its execution and on each individual’s attempt to protect these H2O resources.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Emily Dickinsons Mother, Emily Norcross
Emily Dickinsons Mother, Emily Norcross Emily Dickinson is one of the most mysterious writers in literary history. Although she was a literary genius, only eight of her poems were published in her life, and she lived a secluded existence. But, this quiet life at home can be compared to the isolated life her mother lived. About Emilys Mother: Emily Norcross Emily Norcross was born on July 3, 1804, and she married Edward Dickinson on May 6, 1828. The couples first child, William Austin Dickinson, was born just 11 months later. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830, and her sister, Lavinia Norcross Dickinson (Vinnie) was born several years later on February 28, 1833. From what we know of Emily Norcross, she seldom left home, only making brief visits to relatives. Later, Dickinson would rarely leave home, spending most of her days in the same house. She isolated herself more and more as she grew older, and she seemed to become more selective in whom she saw from her circle of family and friends. Of course, one marked difference between Dickinson and her mother is that she never married. There has been a great deal of speculation about why Emily Dickinson never married. In one of her poems, she writes, Im wife; Ive finished that... and She rose to his requirement... / To take the honorable work / Of woman and of wife. Perhaps she had a long-lost lover. Perhaps, she chose to live a different sort of life, without leaving home and without marrying. Whether it was a choice, or simply a matter of circumstance, her dreams came to fruition in her work. She could imagine herself in and out of love and marriage. And, she was always free to spend her flood of words, with passionate intensity. For whatever reason, Dickinson did not marry. But even her relationship with her mother was troubled. The Strain of Having an Unsupportive Mother Dickinson once wrote to her mentor, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, My Mother does not care for thought-- , which was foreign to the way Dickinson lived. Later she wrote to Higginson: Could you tell me what home is. I never had a mother. I suppose a mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled. Dickinsons relationship with her mother may have been strained, especially during her earliest years. She could not look to her mother for support in her literary efforts, but none of the members of her family or friends saw her as a literary genius. Her father saw Austin as the genius and never looked beyond. Higginson, while supportive, described her as partially cracked. She had friends, but none of them really understood the true extent of her genius. They found her witty, and they enjoyed corresponding with her through letters. In many ways, though, she was completely alone. On June 15, 1875, Emily Norcross Dickinson suffered a paralytic stroke and suffered from a long period of illness thereafter. This period of time may have had more influence on her seclusion from society than any other, but it was also a way for the mother and daughter to become closer than ever before. For Dickinson, it was also just another small step away into her upper roominto her writing. Vinnie said that one of the daughters must be constantly at home. She explains her sisters seclusion by saying that Emily chose this part. Then, Vinnie said that Emily, finding the life with her books and nature so congenial, continued to live it... A Caretaker Till the End Dickinson cared for her mother for the final seven years of her life, until her mother died on November 14, 1882. In a letter to Mrs. J.C. Holland, she wrote: The dear Mother that could not walk, has flown. It never occurred to us that she had not Limbs, she had Wingsand she soared from us unexpectedly as a summoned Bird Dickinson could not understand what it meant: the death of her mother. She had experienced so much death in her life, not only with the deaths of friends and acquaintances, but the death of her father, and now her mother. She had wrestled with the idea of death; she had feared it, and she wrote many poems about it. In Tis so appalling, she wrote, Looking at death is dying. So, her mothers final end was hard for her, especially after such a long illness. Dickinson wrote to Maria Whitney: All is faint indeed without our vanished mother, who achieved in sweetness what she lost in strength, though grief of wonder at her fate made the winter short, and each night I reach finds my lungs more breathless, seeking what it means. Emilys mother might not have been the genius that her daughter was, but she influenced Dickinsons life in ways she probably didnt even realize. In total, Dickinson wrote 1,775 poems in her life. Would Emily have written so many, or would she have written any at all, if she had not lived that solitary existence at home? She lived for so many years alonein the room of her own. Sources: Emily Dickinson Biography Emily Dickinson Poems
Friday, February 14, 2020
Leap motion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leap motion - Essay Example Before developing Leap Motion, Holz and Buckwald first developed a small device that resembled an iPod with an end that can be plugged into the USB port of a computer and enhance motion detection so that â€Å"the exact movements of individual fingers and rotations of the wrist can be accurately detected and processed with no latency†(Spiegelmock 2013). Leap Motion itself is 80mm long and 12.7mm wide and connects to the computer or Mac allowing a person to interact with the computer via simple hand movements. In other words, Leap Motion is a sensor that identifies each of an individual’s movement and changes them into a specific action. â€Å"Leap Motion constitutes of two LEDs and three infrared cameras that analyze al the movements of the hand†(Design, User Experience, and Usability, User Experience Design for Diverse Interaction Platforms and Environments 2012). In analyzing the movement of the hand, the device covers a radius of 1 meter. Its accuracy is also very high; it is 1/100th. Leap Motion has the potential to detect fingers, hands as well as pencils by coming up with a 3D environment. Although it works like a mouse, Leap Motion does not in any way aim at replacing the keyboard and the mouse. It is an additional tool aimed to improve the user experience as well as interaction with the computer. The use of Leap Motion in any computer calls for some things. It detects on the type of the operator system that a computer should have. For instance, the device works best and only in the computers installed with Windows 7, 8 or Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. The hardware of the computer also plays a very significant role. â€Å"Leap Motion only works in computers with either AMD Phenom (tm) II or Intel  ®core (TM) i3, i5, i7 processor, and with a 2GB of RAM†(Spiegelmock 2013). Additionally, the computer needs to have an internet connection in addition to a
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Is ethics profitable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Is ethics profitable - Essay Example The constantly changing competitive environments in the business world forces businesses to find new methods to counter the competition as opposed to the so-called traditional ways. These traditional methods included better products, more services, or lower prices. In the contemporary world, business firms are responding to these competition challenges by introducing partnerships and more mutual relationships with their customers and other stakeholders in the business. In the last years, there have been discussions regarding ethics practices in business firms. The general assumption of this subject is that firms need to do what is morally right for their customers as well as their employees. However, the common practice in the business field is that of unethical and illegal activities. Most organizations are yet to understand or realize the financial impact of high ethical standards in business firms (Heskett et al. 34). According to most businesses in the present world, ethical practices impose an unnecessary financial constraint. Tax evasion and underpaid personnel comprise unethical but, nonetheless, appealing practices. From this perspective, it seems that profits and ethics have an inverse relationship. Managers and directors of businesses assume that ethical practices and programs are very expensive activities. This means that ethical practices have no positive impacts on the profitability of business firms. In this case, this ideology suggests ethics as not being profitable to a business organization. It seems that companies with ethical practices record low or constant profits, and hence, most managers still rely on the traditional modes of improving profit levels of an organization. On a more positive aspect, ethics improves the profit levels of a business firm through various ways. Examples from the business field indicate that there is a positive correlation between a firm’s activit ies, ethical behaviors, and the firm’s bottom line outcomes. The reputation of a business in terms of ethical business activities can be a major source of competitive advantage in the business segment. The most important ways in which ethics contributes towards profitability of a company is through the minimization of the cost of business transactions, construction of a foundation of trust with stakeholders, and maintenance of social capital. More so, high standards of a firm’s ethics contribute towards an internal environment of successful teamwork amongst employees which, in turn, impact the profit levels. According to various studies, companies viewed as ethical by company stakeholders, for instance, employees, public, customers, and suppliers, enjoy several competitive advantages. These competitive advantages in the business community include higher levels of commitment, higher levels of efficiency in operations, and increased levels of
Friday, January 24, 2020
Hawthorne :: essays research papers fc
"Young Goodman Brown", by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a story that is thick with allegory. "Young Goodman Brown" is a moral story which is told through the perversion of a religious leader. In "Young Goodman Brown", Goodman Brown is a Puritan minister who lets his excessive pride in himself interfere with his relations with the community after he meets with the devil, and causes him to live the life of an exile in his own community. "Young Goodman Brown" begins when Faith, Brown's wife, asks him not to go on an "errand". Goodman Brown says to his "love and (my) Faith" that "this one night I must tarry away from thee." When he says his "love" and his "Faith", he is talking to his wife, but he is also talking to his "faith" to God. He is venturing into the woods to meet with the Devil, and by doing so, he leaves his unquestionable faith in God with his wife. He resolves that he will "c ling to her skirts and follow her to Heaven." This is an example of the excessive pride because he feels that he can sin and meet with the Devil because of this promise that he made to himself. There is a tremendous irony to this promise because when Goodman Brown comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had before. When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because "Faith kept me back awhile." This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being on time for his meeting with the devil, but his faith to God psychologically delayed his meeting with the devil. The Devil had with him a staff that "bore the likeness of a great black snake". The staff which looked like a snake is a reference to the snake in the story of Adam and Eve. The snake led Adam and Eve to their destruction by leading them to the Tree of Knowledge. The Adam and Eve story is similar to Goodman Brown in that they are both seeking unfathomable amounts of knowledge. Once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge they were expelled from their paradise. The Devil's staff eventually leads Goodman Brown to the Devil's ceremony which destroys Goodman Brown's faith in his fellow man, therefore expelling him from his utopia. Hawthorne :: essays research papers fc "Young Goodman Brown", by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a story that is thick with allegory. "Young Goodman Brown" is a moral story which is told through the perversion of a religious leader. In "Young Goodman Brown", Goodman Brown is a Puritan minister who lets his excessive pride in himself interfere with his relations with the community after he meets with the devil, and causes him to live the life of an exile in his own community. "Young Goodman Brown" begins when Faith, Brown's wife, asks him not to go on an "errand". Goodman Brown says to his "love and (my) Faith" that "this one night I must tarry away from thee." When he says his "love" and his "Faith", he is talking to his wife, but he is also talking to his "faith" to God. He is venturing into the woods to meet with the Devil, and by doing so, he leaves his unquestionable faith in God with his wife. He resolves that he will "c ling to her skirts and follow her to Heaven." This is an example of the excessive pride because he feels that he can sin and meet with the Devil because of this promise that he made to himself. There is a tremendous irony to this promise because when Goodman Brown comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had before. When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because "Faith kept me back awhile." This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being on time for his meeting with the devil, but his faith to God psychologically delayed his meeting with the devil. The Devil had with him a staff that "bore the likeness of a great black snake". The staff which looked like a snake is a reference to the snake in the story of Adam and Eve. The snake led Adam and Eve to their destruction by leading them to the Tree of Knowledge. The Adam and Eve story is similar to Goodman Brown in that they are both seeking unfathomable amounts of knowledge. Once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge they were expelled from their paradise. The Devil's staff eventually leads Goodman Brown to the Devil's ceremony which destroys Goodman Brown's faith in his fellow man, therefore expelling him from his utopia.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Oedipus Reader’s Log
World Literature – Reader Response Log – Oedipus Rex Section|Line(s) |Questions|Reader’s Commentary|| Prologue|1-150|1. Describe the dramatic purpose of the Prologue. |The prologue sets the atmosphere of Oedipus Rex, and gets the reader interested. || |8|2. How does Oedipus characterize himself in line 8? |He sees himself as famous to all men. || |25-30|3. Describe the conditions in Thebes as depicted by the Priest in lines 25-30. |There is disease infecting the fruit and cattle of their land, and women in labor are losing their children. || |40-46|4. How do the suppliants view Oedipus in lines 31-34, 40, and 46? They are thankful of him because he freed them from the tribute they were paying|| ||5. What is a Sphinx? What is the answer to the riddle, â€Å"What has one voice and four feet, two feet and three feet? †Who answers the riddle? |A winged monster of Thebes, having a woman's head and a lion's body. Man as an infant, he crawls on all fours; as an adult, he walks on two legs and; in old age, he uses a ‘walking' stick. Oedipus answers the riddle. || |41-4253|6. What request does the Priest make of Oedipus in lines 41-42 and 53? |They beg Oedipus for help, to help their state. So now, you best of men, raise up our state. †|| |60-61|7. Define dramatic irony. Then, explain its function in lines 60-61. |Irony that is understood by the audience/readers but not by the characters in the story. The audience would have already known Oedipus’ fate when hearing those lines, while the priest/Oedipus had no idea of what really happened. || |95-107|8. Review lines 95-107 once more. What does Apollo say must be done to rid Thebes of its pollution? |â€Å"Lord Phoebus clearly orders us to drive away the polluting stain this land has harboured†they have to find who killed Laius. || |114-123125|9.What were the circumstances surrounding Laius’s death (refer to lines 114-123)? Furthermore, what motive does Oedipu s assign the murderer (lines 124-125)? |All of the messengers died that went with Laius except for one man. Oedipus says that the men are robbers. || |137-141|10. Explain the irony present in Oedipus’s resolution (lines 137-141). |Oedipus is talking about what the killer might do; while unbeknownst to him he’s actually the killer. || Section|Line(s) |Questions|Reader’s Commentary|| Parados|151-215|11. Discuss the Chorus’ reaction to Apollo’s advice to the city of Thebes (lines 154-157). The chorus is frightened, and is asking what they have to do for Zeus. â€Å"What obligation will you demand from me, a thing unknown†. || |170-182|12. Describe the conditions in the city as recounted by the Chorus (lines 170-182). |Everyone is unhappy, and many of the townspeople have died or are dying. || First Episode|216-462|13. Why does Oedipus seek the counsel of Teiresias (lines 278-287)? |He can see into things like Lord Apollo. || 316-344|316-344|14. What is Teiresias reaction to Oedipus’s request (lines 316-344)? |He doesn’t want to tell Oedipus anything. || 353-371|353-371|15.How does Oedipus view Teiresias? What ironies exist in their conversation? Refer to lines 353-371. |Oedipus views Teiresias as a liar, he thinks what he’s saying is wrong. Oedipus calls Teiresias blind, and eventually Oedipus will be blind. || |385-389|16. In lines 385-389, Oedipus begins to harbor a suspicion about Creon. What is this suspicion? Why is this important? |He thinks Creon has betrayed him. However, Oedipus is wrong, and won’t see the important truth that is in front of him. || |390-398|17. What superior trait does Oedipus claim over Teiresias in lines 390-398? Oedipus claims he has wit, while Teiresias only has â€Å"the birds†. || |413-425|18. In lines 413-425, Teiresias reveals the truth to Oedipus about his lineage. What does Teiresias predict will be Oedipus’s fate? Refer to lines 417-423; 452-4 60. |Teiresias says that Oedipus will go blind, and that his cries will not be heard. Also, he says he will be poor. || First Stasimon |463-512|19. Discuss the Chorus' view of Teiresias's accusations against Oedipus. Refer to lines 483-495; 504-511. |They cannot confirm or deny them, the chorus is very confused. || Section|Line(s) |Questions|Reader’s Commentary||Second Episode|513-862|20. How does Creon defend himself against Oedipus’s accusation of conspiracy (lines 583-604)? |Creon says he’s much happier not being king and that when you’re king you have to live in fear. || |639-697|21. What does Jocasta do in lines 639-697? |Jocasta learns of what Oedipus wants to do to Creon and she stops him. || |707-722|22. How does Jocasta assure Oedipus that is not guilty of the king’s death, lines 707-722? |She tells him what the gods said. That it would be Laius’ son who killed him and that Laius’ sent his son away. || |726-745|23.Why is Oedi pus disturbed and frightened by Jocasta’s comments in lines 726-745? |He realizes that he is the person who murdered Laius’, meaning he is Laius’ son, and has an incest relationship with his wife/mother. || |758-764|24. Return to lines 758-764. What happened to the one witness to the king’s death? |The witness begged to be sent off to where the animals graze. || |774-775779-793|25. Whom does Oedipus believe are his true parents, lines 774-775? Why does he visit the Delphic Circle? What is he told? Refer to lines 779-793. |He thinks Polybus of Corinth is his father.Oedipus goes to Delphic Circle to seek answers about his parents; he’s told that his fate was to defile his mother’s bed. || |813-822|26. Describe what Oedipus fears most in lines 813-822. |He says he won’t be welcomed by anyone. || |842-858|27. How does Jocasta reassure Oedipus in lines 842-858? |She says that Laius was killed by a group of men, and that her son died long a go so the sayings could not be true. || |858-860|28. What request does Oedipus make in lines 858-860? |He requests to see the peasant/witness. || Section|Line(s) |Questions|Reader’s Commentary||Second Stasimon|863-910|29. What wish does the Chorus express in the first stanza, lines 863-872? |They pray that â€Å"fate still finds me worthy†. || |897-910|What concern does the Chorus express in the fourth stanza, lines 897-910? |They worry that the prophecies will fail to be fulfilled. || Third Episode|911-1085|30. Whom is Jocasta praying to in lines 911-923? |She is praying to Apollo. || |924-963|31. What news is delivered to Oedipus in lines 924-963? What is his reaction to the Messenger’s news? (964-972)? What is Jocasta’s reaction (977-983)? The messenger tells them Oedipus’ father has died. Jocasta says not to worship Apollo because he was wrong about the prophecies. Jocasta says that she already foretold of this. || |1008-1046|32. What additiona l information does the Messenger provide, lines 1008-1046? |The messenger tells him that Polybus is not his real father, and that Oedipus was found with his ankles tied together. || |1056-1075 1076-1079|33. Why does Jocasta ask Oedipus to refrain from seeking out the Herdsman then leave, lines 1056-1075? How does Oedipus view Jocasta’s erratic behavior?Refer to lines 1076-1079. |Jocasta knows that Oedipus is her son, and she doesn’t want him to find out. Oedipus makes his own decision, making Jocasta vow to never speak again. Oedipus thinks Jocasta is ashamed of him. || ||34. Discuss the irony surrounding the Messenger’s arrival immediately after Jocasta’s prayer. Is he truly delivering good news? |The messenger is not truly delivering good news; it’s actually news that will hurt both Jocasta and Oedipus. Also, the irony is she her prayer is immediately answered by the messenger’s arrival. | Third Stasimon|1086-1109|35. Whom does the Chorus identify as parents to Oedipus? Refer to lines 1098-1101. |The chorus identifies immortal gods as Oedipus’ parents. || Fourth Episode|1110-1185|36. Whom was the Herdsman employed with? Why is he reluctant to answer questions from Oedipus, lines 1117-1181? |The herdsman was employed with Laius. He’s doesn’t want to answer because he knows he and Oedipus will suffer. || Section|Line(s) |Questions|Reader’s Commentary|| Fourth Stasimon|1186-1222|37. What general comment does the Chorus offer based on Oedipus’s plight?Refer to lines 1186-1196. |They say that â€Å"no mortal man is ever blessed†. They pity Oedipus. || |1214-1215|38. What horrific fact concerning Oedipus’s marriage to Jocasta does the Chorus identify in lines 1214 and 1215? |It says that Oedipus and Jocasta are in fact mother and son. || Exodos|1223 to the end|39. What news does the second Messenger announce in lines 1235-1279? |They say that Jocasta killed herself. || |1290 -1291|40. Discuss the symbolism of Oedipus’s self-blinding. What does Oedipus intend to do, lines 1290-1291? What prompts these actions? Oedipus has put a curse on himself, he wishes to be banished to sat he doesn’t bare the curse on to the house. || |1329-1331|41. In the next section of the Exodos, Oedipus joins the Chorus in lamenting his fate. Whom does Oedipus blame in lines 1329-1331? |He blames Apollo. || |1369-1385|42. What reasons does Oedipus provide for his self-blinding in lines 1369-1385? |He couldn’t bear to see his father and mother in Hades, or look at his children. || |1436-1467|43. What requests does Oedipus make of Creon? Refer to lines 1436-1467. |He wants Creon to cast him out where no other person will see him. | |1489-1502|44. Describe the vision Oedipus has for his daughters’ future in lines 1489-1502. |Oedipus thinks his children will be unmarried, and barren for the rest of their lives. || |1524-1530|45. What moral lesson does the Chorus derive from Oedipus’s life? Refer to lines 1524-1530. |â€Å"We cannot call a mortal being happy before he’s passed beyond life free from pain. †You can’t call a person happy until they’ve died. || *Adapted from The Classical Origins of Western Culture Study Guide, Copyright  © 1986 by Brooklyn College, The City University of New York All rights reserved. Published 1986.
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