Thursday, May 21, 2020
Sexual Harassment Is A Form Of Sex Discrimination
Section One: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title Vll of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. AAUW, describes sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of nature. (Know Your Rights at Work: Workplace Sexual Harassment: AAUW, n.d.) The Title Vll is a federal law in which prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. You would of think that with this law people will not have to face any sexual discrimination in a work setting , but unfortunately that is not the case. Sexual harassment has three different forms that may appear in a working environment such as verbal, visual, or physical. â€Å"Verbal Sexual harassment refers to sexually suggestive remarks, or obscene or insulting sounds. It includes unwelcome and offensive names or terms of endearment such as ‘honey bun’ or ‘boobsy’. â€Å"(The Aware Sub Committee, 2008) Some examples of this type of sexual harassment include: Cat calls, kissing sounds, calling someone honey, whistling at someone, and etc. Then there is Visual Sexual harassment is when either someone is exposing their private parts or is simply staring at another person’s body in a way that can cause discomfort. (The Aware Sub Committe, 2008) Examples of these are unwanted looks, unacceptable gestures, nude calendars in employees office, emails, and text messages. Lastly, PhysicalShow MoreRelatedEssay on Same Sex Harassment1650 Words  | 7 PagesSame Sex Harassment Imagine that you are in the shower of the gym at work and three co-workers enter, then hold you down to the ground while rubbing their genitalia across your bare skin. No matter what the circumstance you would find this behavior appalling and disgusting. 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In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.†(Kant, n.d.). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 includes prohibition of sex discrimination which includes sexual harassment and hostile work environ ment. An example will be used to help define the law that is relevant to sexual harassment and hostile work environments, along with describing the facts of the case. A view on current lessons learned and any new thoughts learned while conducting research willRead MoreWorkplace Discrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination1588 Words  | 7 Pagestreat others with prejudice because of particular features they possess. Unfortunately, prejudice and discrimination occur even in places which, by definition, should be free of all personal prejudices – specifically, in offices and other business surroundings. This tragedy is called workplace discrimination; not every unfair behavior at work, however, can be assessed as discrimination. 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The law view discrimination as distinguishing, separating, differentiating, unequally treating people which, being equal, must be treated with the same degree (Gidro and Gidro. 2016.p65). Harassment and sexual harassment, common forms for discriminations, are actions that go against the principle of gender equality and are described as discriminatory on the b asis of gender. Harassment, aRead MoreRape and Sexual Harassment: The Intersectional Experiences of Racism and Sexism for Minorities1488 Words  | 6 PagesRape and sexual harassment are both two common forms of sexual violence prevalent in the United States. Although both events can happen to men, women are more prone to face these occurrences. According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, â€Å"78% of the victims of rape and sexual assault are women and 22% are men†(â€Å"Domestic Violence Statistics†). In 2011, companies experienced sexual harassment charges at 11% in relation to all charges brought forth to businesses, and 16% of these charges
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